Communities and Collections
Shown below is a list of communities and the collections and sub-communities within them. Click on a name to view that community or collection home page.
Dissertations and Theses 125808
Dissertations 5671
Dissertations of IPB's Ph.D. student
DT - Agriculture [752]
DT - Animal Science [345]
DT - Business [327]
DT - Fisheries [727]
DT - Forestry [347]
DT - Human Ecology [567]
DT - Veterinary Science [286]
Master Theses 26182
Master Theses of IPB's master student
MT - Agriculture [3783]
MT - Agriculture Technology [2291]
MT - Animal Science [1211]
MT - Business [1574]
Master Theses on Business -
MT - Economic and Management [2973]
MT - Fisheries [3021]
MT - Forestry [1419]
MT - Human Ecology [2249]
MT - Professional Master [887]
MT - Veterinary Science [913]
Undergraduate Theses 93955
Undergraduate theses of IPB's bachelor student
UT - Business School 428
Undergraduated Theses on Business
UT - Business [428]
Undergraduated Theses on Business
UT - Faculty of Agricultural Technology 12162
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Agricultural Technology
UT - Faculty of Agriculture 13829
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Agriculture
UT - Landscape Architecture [1258]
UT - Plant Protection [2418]
UT - Faculty of Economics and Management 13912
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Economics and Management
UT - Agribusiness [4619]
UT - Management [3473]
UT - Syariah Economic [478]
UT - Faculty of Forestry and Environment 9196
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Forestry and Environment
UT - Forest Management [3073]
UT - Forestry Products [2387]
UT - Silviculture [1361]
UT - Faculty of Human Ecology 6419
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Human Ecology
UT - Nutrition Science [2997]
UT - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 14126
Undergraduate Theses on Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
UT - Actuaria [186]
UT - Biochemistry [1328]
UT - Biology [2151]
UT - Chemistry [2064]
UT - Computer Science [2328]
UT - Mathematics [1446]
UT - Physics [1103]
UT - School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science 4382
Undergraduate Theses on Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science
IPBana 9297
Librarian [270]
Kumpulan Tulisan Staf Perpustakaan -
Published By Media [158]
Opini Penulis yang dipublikan di media cetak
Articles 6319
Artikel terbitan penulis IPB
Business [0]
Diploma Programme [71]
Faculty of Agricultural Technology 1213
Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering [370]
Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 559
Bio-Chemistry [20]
Biology [92]
Chemistry [142]
Computer Science [72]
Mathematics [35]
Physics [49]
Statistics [40]
Published by Others 2332
This community contains of scientific article from IPB lectures which is already published by other publisher in any kind of media. The URL listed at the footer side.
Faculty of Agriculture [316]
Faculty of Forestry [188]
Faculty of Human Ecology [214]
Faculty of Veterinary [269]
IPB e-Journal 3155
Agrimedia [111]
Buletin Agronomi [2]
Buletin -
Buletin Kimia [6]
Buletin PSP [1]
e-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis [54]
Elektronik Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis merupakan jurnal ilmiah di bidang ilmu dan teknologi kalutan tropis yang diterbitkan secara elektronik dan berkala sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun oleh Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. -
Forum Agribisnis [18]
Merupakan jurnal ilmiah sebagai forum komunikasi antar peneliti, akademisi, penentu kebijakan dan praktisi dalam bidang agribisnis dan bidang terkait lainnya. -
Forum Pascasarjana [56]
journal of Biophysics [4]
Jurnal Biofisika -
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ekonomi Pertanian [2]
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ekonomi Pertanian (Agribusiness and Agricultural Economic Journal/ AAE Journal) adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala bidang agribisnis dan ekonomi pertanian di Indonesia. Jurnal ini merupakan media penyebarluasan informasi hasil pemikiran dan penelitian dari dosen, peneliti, dan praktisi yang berminat untuk kemajuan agribisnis dan ekonomi pertanian. -
Jurnal Agromet [0]
Jurnal Agromet -
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) [458]
Buletin Agronomi -
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan [3]
Departemen Ilmu Ekomoni -
Jurnal Hemera Zoa [9]
Jurnal Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB -
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia [3]
Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia -
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer [74]
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia [28]
Jurnal Pertanian -
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian [25]
Keteknikan Pertanian -
Jurnal Manajemen [6]
Jurnal Ilmiah Departemen Manajemen, FEM -
Jurnal Manajemen IKM [21]
Fakultas Ekologi Manusia -
Jurnal MPI (Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menengah) [12]
Jurnal Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menengah -
Jurnal Penyuluhan [85]
Jurnal Sains Terapan [3]
Program Diploma Institut Pertaniann Bogor -
Media Konservasi [161]
Media Peternakan [277]
Media Veteriner [107]
IPB's Books 3207
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Book's [48]
Buku Terbitan FPIK-IPB -
IPB Press [98]
Books published by IPB Press -
Proceedings [2790]
Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars
Research and Community Empowerment 1489
PAATP [12]
Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia [151]
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, JIPI -
Research Presentation [185]
Presentasi Hasil Penelitian -
Research Proceeding [307]
Prosiding Penelitian LPPM -
Vucer Multi year [9]
Women Studies [4]
Research Center 76
Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (CARDS) [47]
Pusat Studi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan (PSP3) -
Center for Disaster Studies (PSB) [13]
Pusat Studi Bencana -
Center For Environmental Research [8]
PPLH - Working Paper -
Center of Development Research [1]
Pusat Studi Pembangunan -
Primate Research Center (PSSP) [3]
Pusat Studi Hewan Primata
Scientific Orations 63
SO-Agricultural Technology [11]
Scienific Orations on Agricultural Technology -
SO-Agriculture [12]
Scienific Orations on Agriculture -
SO-Animal Science [7]
Scientific Orations on Animal Science -
SO-Economics and Management [5]
Scientific Orations on Economics and Management -
SO-Forestry [7]
Scienific Orations on Forestry -
SO-Human Ecology [6]
SO-Mathematics and Natural Science [5]
Scienific Orations on Mathematics and Natural Science -
SO-Veterinary [4]
Strategic Issue Studies 295
Patent [146]
Patent at IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) -
Presentation [87]
Presentation of kind workshop, etc -
Research Agenda [12]
Research Agenda -
RKS Articles [50]
Seminar Articles, Presentation, Books, Modul, etc
Student Papers 2124
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa 2124
PKM - Artikel Ilmiah [220]
PKM - Gagasan Tertulis [553]
PKM - Karsa Cipta [89]
PKM - Kewirausahaan [439]
PKM - Penelitian [437]