Media Peternakan : [277] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 277
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Application of Electrical Properties to Differentiate Lard from Tallow and Palm OilSucipto; T. Djatna; Irzaman; Tun Tedja I; A. M. Fauzi
2007Evaluasi keragaman genetik gen hormon pertumbuhan (GH) pada sapi pesisir Sumatera Barat menggunakan penciri PCR-RFLPJakaria; Solihin, Dedy Duryadi; Noor, R.R.; Tappa, B.; Martojo, H.
2002-04Viabilitas kultur kering sosis fermentasi dengan beberapa kombinasi mikroba pada media tumbuh dan metode pengeringan yang berbedaArief Isnafia, Irma; J. Hermanianto; Ratih Maheswari, Rarah
2006-01Pengaruh superovulasi terhadap produksi anak babi (Effect of Superovulation on Piglet Production)Mege, Revolson Alexius
1987Pendugaan Bobot Badan Melalui Beberapa Ukuran Tubuh pada Kambing Kacang di Unit Pendidikan dan Penelitian Peternakan JonggolSaefuddin, Asep
2010Feasibility Analyses of Integrated Broiler ProductionM. Firdaus
2010Microbial Population and Fermentation Characteristic in Response to Sapindus rarak Mineral Block SupplementationSuharti, Sri; Kurniawati, A; Astuti, D.A.; Winab, E.
2010Efektivitas Daun Jarak (Jatropha curcass Linn) Sebagai Anticacing Ascaridia galli dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Performa Ayam LokalSuharti, Sri; K. G. Wiryawan; R. Tiuriab; Y. Ridwanb; S. Fitriana, et al
2004Ketersediaan Energi Ransum yang Mengandung Wheat Pollard Hasil Olahan Enzim Cairan Rumen yang Diproses Secara Steam Pelleting pada Ayam BroilerWardani, W. W.; Ramli, N.; Hermana, W.
2011Addition of water soluble carbohydrate sources prior to ensilage for ramie leaves silage qualities improvementDespal; Permana, Idat Galih; Safarina, S N.; Tatra, A J.
2011Performance and meat cholesterol content of broiler chickens fed pluchea indica L. leaf meal reared under stress conditionSudarman, A.; Sumiati; Solikhah, H.
2011Laying performance of wareng chicken under free choice feeding and different cage densityS. Iskandar
2011Compensatory growth and production efficiency of broiler chickens exposed to feeding time restrictionAzis, A.; Abbas, H.; Heryandi, Y.; Kusnadi, E.
2011Protection of unsaturated fatty acid in crude palm oil from sheep microbial activity in vitroTiven, N. C.; Yusiati, L. M.; Rusman; U. Santoso
2011Goat performance fed with fermented cocoa pod husSuparjo; Wiryawan, K. G.; Laconi, E. B.; D. Mangunwidjaja
2011Kinds and tannin content of Anoa diets (Bubalus sp.)M. Basri; Rukmi
2011Characterization of partial coding region fibroin gene on wild silkmoth Cricula trifenestrata Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)Suriana; Solihin, D. D.; Noor, R.R.; Thohari, A.M.
2011Muscle growth and distribution in fattening steer of different breedsR. Priyanto; Johnson, E. R.
2011PCR-RFLP using BseDI enzyme for pork authentication in sausage and nugget productsErwanto, Y.; Abidin, M. Z.; Rohman, A.; Sismindari
2011Hematology profile of Rattus norvegicus infected by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and fed probioticsAstawan, M.; Wresdiyati, T.; Arief, I. I.; Suhesti, E.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 277