Journal of Microbiology Indonesia : [153] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 153
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Perpustakaan Gen: Bagaimana Mengonstruksinya?Wahyudi, Aris Tri
2004Pembentukan Magnetosom pada Bakteri (Magnetosome Formation in Bacteria)Wahyudi, Aris Tri
2005Construction of Genomic Library of Magnetospirillnm magneticum AMB-I and Screening of Genes Involved in Magnetosome SynthesisWahyudi, Aris Tri
2006Cloning of Genomic DNA Fragment Involve in Acid-Aluminium Tolerance in Bradyrhizobium japonicum 38 Through Transposom MutagenesisAstuti, Rika Indri; Wahyudi, Aris Tri; Mubarik, Nisa Rachmania
2006Cloning and Overexpression of a Gene Encoding Protein Belong to Tetratricopeptide Involved in Magnetosome Synthesis in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1Wahyudi, Aris Tri
2009Produksi dan karakterisasi parsial protase alkali termostabil bacillus thermoglucosidasius AF-01Fuad, Asrul Muhamad; Rahmawati, Rini; Mubarik, Nisa Rachmania
2008Prospective Use of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Deaminase-Producing Bacteria for Plant Growth Promotion and Defense against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Peat-Soil-AgricultureHusen, Edi; Wahyudi, Aris Tri; Suwanto, Antonius; Saraswati, Rasti
2011Characterization of Bacillus sp. strains isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plants for their use as potential plant growth for promoting RhizobacteriaWahyudi, Aris Tri; Astuti, Rina Puji; Widyawati, Asri; Meryandini, Anja; Nawangsih, Abdjad Asih
2007Evidence for a Link Between Pathogenicity and the Role of Imp Bacterial Transport Effector Proteins in Soybean Infection by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines Vol 1, No 2, 2007Fitriani, Any; Suwanto, Antonius; Wahyudi, Aris Tri; Tjahjono, Budi
2010Identification and selection of entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agents for aphis gossypii from South SumatraHerlinda, Siti; Irsan, Chandra; Mayasari, Reka; Septariani, Selly
2010Isolation and Identification of Mycorrhizospere Bacteria and Their Antagonistic Effects Towards Ganoderma boninense in VitroBakhtiar, Yenni; Yahya, Sudirman; Sumaryono, Wahono; Sinaga, Meity Suradji; Budi, Sri Wilarsi, et al
2010The production of Blue Cheese with the Addition of Nonpathogenic Strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Fortification of Folic Acid and IronAgustinah, Widya; Winarno, Florentinus Gregorius
2010Ecological and Taxonomical Prespective of Yeast in IndonesiaSjamsuridzal, Wellyzar; Oetari, Ariyanti; Kanti, Atit; Saraswati, Rasti; Nakashima, Chiharu, et al
2010Macaca nemestrina and dengue virus infectivy : a potential model for evaluating dengue vaccine candidatesWidjaja, Susana; Winoto, Imelda; Sturgis, Jonathan; Maroef, Chairin M; Listyaningsih, Erlin, et al
2010Sequence Analysis of Putative potB, potC, and potD Genes from Serratia RubidaeSuhandono, Sony; Fitria, Rasi; Rachman, Ernawati Arifin Giri
2010Isolation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Substance from Marine Streptomyces sp.Sunaryatno, Rofiq; Marwoto, Bambang; Irawadi, Tun Tedja; Mas'ud, Zainal Alim; Hartoto, Liesbetini
2010Physiological Characterization and Molecular Identification of Denitrifying Bacteria Prosessing Nitrous Oxide High Reduction Activity Isolated from Rice SoilsSetyaningsih, Ratna; Rusmana, Iman; Setyanto, Prihasto; Suwanto, Antonius
2010Fragnance Formation in Aquilaria spp. Shoot Culture Induced by Acremonium sp.Rahayu, Gayuh
2010Isolation of Endophytic Bacteria from Palm Oil Fruits and Characterization of Their LipasesDjafar, Fandy; Purwadaria, Tresnawati; Sinurat, Arnold Parlindungan
2010Production of Exopolysaccharides by Strains of Streptococcus thermophilusPurwandari, Umi; Vasiljevic, Todor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 153