Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Asuransi Umum pada PT. Asuransi ABC 

      Nursetiawan, Kukuh Iman | Sarma, Ma’mun (2013)
      PT. Asuransi ABC is one ofthe general insurance companies and a joint venture company in Indonesia. The number of competitors in the insurance service industry has forced PT. Asuransi ABC to create a more comprehensive ...
    • Analisis Strategi Pemasaran UMKM Telur Asin Rahayu Babat - Lamongan 

      Wulansari, Ayu | Najib, Mukhamad (2014)
      The micro, small and medium enterprises of salted egg “Rahayu” is the one of business with excellent products in Lamongan, East Java Province. The best quality of organic raw materials from wild ducks into the benefits of ...
    • Analisis Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Sayuran Organik 

      Priastuti, Dila | Suroso, Arif Imam | Najib, Mukhamad (2013)
      The high public awareness of healthy lifestyles these days, making the Indonesian people tend to eat healthy food like organic food. Organic vegetables is trusted to provide better benefits for the body than vegetables ...
    • Analisis Strategi Promosi Agrowisata D’kandang Amazing Farm pada CV Sawangan Dairy Farm 

      Arrahman, Farauq | Basith, Abdul (2016)
      Agrowisata D’Kandang Amazing Farm merupakan salah satu unit bisnis CV Sawangan Diary Farm di bidang wisata yang potensial karena berkembangnya tren back to nature dan tren wisata pendidikan pada masyarakat perkotaan. ...