Browsing MT - Professional Master by Title
Now showing items 150-169 of 887
Dampak Pemupukan Nitrogen Terhadap Emisi N2O Tanah Pada Perkebunan Sawit di Gambut
(2014)Sektor pertanian berkontribusi 13.5% dari total emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dunia (IPCC 2007). Emisi dari sektor ini umumnya dalam bentuk dinitrogen oksida (N2O) (46%), metana (CH4) (45%) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) (9%) ... -
Daya Saing Perusahaan Lokal Periklanan Dwi Sapta Advertising dalam Bisnis Periklanan di Jakarta
(2010)Industri periklanan Indonesia terus berkembang yang didukung oleh pembangunan infrastuktur oleh pemerintah dan ditunjang pula oleh perkembangan televisi swasta, baik secara nasional maupun local, seperti RCTI (1989), SCTV ... -
Desain dan Implementasi Analisis Ketidakpastian untuk Deforestasi di Wilayah Kalimantan
(2018)Sehubungan dengan kegiatan REDD+ (pengurangan emisi dari deforestasi, degradasi hutan, pengelolaan hutan lestari, konservasi dan peningkatan stok karbon hutan), informasi deforestasi adalah salah satu parameter yang ... -
Desain Formulasi Penilaian Kinerja Kesehatan Fiskal dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah (Studi Kasus Provinsi Jawa Barat).
(2017)Era reformasi yang telah berjalan selama hampir 2 dekade membawa perubahan dalam sistem pemerintahan di Indonesia. Perubahan tersebut dapat terlihat dengan diterapkannya prinsip-prinsip New Public Management (NPM), beberapa ... -
Desain pemberdayaan masyarakat mengefektifkan aksi pelaksanaan corporate social responsibility (CSR) (kasus di perusahaan Riaupulp provinsi Riau)
(2010)Pengelolaan HPHTI (Hak Pengelolaan Hutan Tanaman Industri) Riaupulp telah membawa banyak perubahan pada kondisi kehidupan masyarakat, baik bersifat positif seperti akses hubungan transfortasi dan komunikasi menjadi terbuka. ... -
Design of Halal Assurance System Manual at PT GIA
(2012)The study was conducted at PT GIA, one of local flavour companies in Indonesia, which had difficulties in implementing halal certification of new flavour products or the extension of flavour products that previously had ... -
Designing Information System for Web-based of Bibliographic Control at National Library of Indonesia
(2011)The responsibility of a national library is to collect, maintain, preserve the nation’s literature, in order to maintain a national bibliography and operates bibliography information centre. National library of Indonesia ... -
Deteksi Molekuler Gen Penyandi Resistansi Antibiotik pada Klebsiella pneumoniae dari Kucing Klinik di Kota Bogor
(2021)Kucing merupakan karnivora kecil dari famili Felidae yang telah didomestikasi selama ribuan tahun dan dekat dengan manusia karena memiliki daya adaptasi yang cukup baik. Proses domestikasi ini dapat menyebabkan kucing ... -
Determinants of Sustainable Vegetable Farming among Smallholder Farmers in Bogor Regency
(2014)Sektor pertanian memiliki peran penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia dan mata pencaharian penduduk lokal. Salah satu pemangku utama di bidang pertanian adalah petani kecil. Sebagian besar petani kecil ini memproduksi sayuran ... -
Determination of Agricultural Potential Area Based on Land Suitability and Revenue Cost Analysis. Case study in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta
(2007)Nowadays, the population of the world is growing dramatically. Under present situations, where the land is a limiting factor, it is impossible to bring more area under cultivation (extensive farming), so farming community ... -
Determination of Swamps Area Suitable for Paddy Field Using Remote Sensing Approach in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province
(2011)future for agricultural development potential outside of Java because mainly in Java, there is a continuous loss of agricultural lands due to urbanization, industry and roads infrastructure. The spatial and temporal ... -
Determining Harvesting Quota of Macaca fascicularis Based on Demographic Parameters
(2010)Longtailed macaque is one of animal which is listed as wildlife quotas. The increasing number of quota is worried would be threatened the wildlife preservation. Demographic parameters are important in wildlife management. ... -
Determining Minimum and Optimum Viable Population Size of Banteng (Bos javanicus) Based on Demographic Parameters at Alas Purwo National Park, Banyuwangi, East Java
(2012)One of the main goals of conservation is to maintain sustainability and to increase the population size of living species. In order to conserve an important wildlife population, Minimum Viable Population (MVP) and Optimum ... -
Determining Minimum Viable Population of Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis Based on Demographic Parameters : Case study on Lampung Province
(2010)Determining minimum viable population is a fundamental corestone for conservation biology, but this estimate requires representative demographic parameters. Long-tailed macaque is facing seriously treatened due to high ... -
Determining Oil Palm Plantation Potential Location Using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation (Case Study Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province)
(2011)Indonesia has the potential land to grow oil palm plantation and currently being the largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO). Satellite remote sensing data is very potential to be used in studies of forest conditions and ... -
Determining the Right Fuel Inventory by EOQ Probabilistic Methods (Case Study XYZ Gas Station in Bogor)
(2011)Frequency of fuel ordering at XYZ gas station was irregular because it was decided based on estimated needs. It caused sometimes the tank could be empty or over stock. This condition results in difficulty to predict the ... -
Development of gis-based decision support system for small island (a case study in ndana island, nusa tenggara timur)
(2006)Ndana Island in East Nusa Tenggara province is selected as the study area, because the island was classified as small island, located in the Australian border, and need a special management for achieving sustainable natural ... -
Development of information architecture and BPPT libraries public information services mashup prototype
(2013)One of BPPT Library functions is to provide public information to the community. Publishing public information using an easy accessible website is one of the methods to perform this function. The problem occurs when BPPT's ... -
Development of Self Finance National Park Through Business Model Approach Based on Utilization of Environment Condition in Gunung Palung National
(2012)Management of national park is facing problem on budgeting limitation. One of the idea to change conservation areas management orientation from cost center to profit center is building Self Finance National Park. The ...