Pengaruh perendaman umbi singkong dalam larutan asam asetat terhadap karakteristik mutu keripik singkong
Processing modification of cassava tubers is expected to produce the cassava chips with specific quality characteristics. One form of the modification process is by using acetic acid as medium of soaking of cassava tubers. This study was aimed to know the effects of soaking of cassava tubers in acetic acid solution on quality characteristics of cassava chips. The treatments of this research were soaking cassava tubers in acetic acid solution with concentrations of 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 and 3.0 for 2 hours; 4 hours; and 6 hours. Soaking of cassava tubers in acetic acid solution for 2 hours and 4 hours resulted cassava chips with the lowest brittleness and hardness. Then, soaking treatments of cassava tubers in acetic acid solution with concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 for 0.5 hour; 1 hour; 1.5 hours; and 2 hours showed that cassava chips with soaking treatment in acetic acid solution for 0.5 hour and 1.5 hours resultedthe lowest brittleness. Organoleptic test showed that cassava chips with soaking treatment in acetic acid solution with concentration of 1.0 for 1.5 hours had the greatest sensory value and be the best cassava chips. The soaking treatment in acetic acid solution acid has produced cassava chips with specific quality characteristics, such as brighter on colors, reduced bitter taste, flavor was preferred, and the texture wasn’t harder. The best cassava chipswas stored for 4 weeks in polypropylene plastic packaging at room temperature. The brightness ofboth of cassava chips with soaking treatment inacetic acid solution with concentration of 1.0 for 1.5 hours (the sample) and cassava chips without acetic acid soaking treatment (control) increased during storage. The increased of brightness was also followed by a decreased in the value of a and b. The rate of increase in the value of brittleness and hardness in the sample were greater than that of control. The sensory value for sample and control decreased, and it showed the decreased of quality characteristics of cassava chips during storage. Up to second week of storage, the peroxide value of sample was greater than that of control. The peroxide value of sample increased at greater rate than that of control during storage.