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dc.contributor.advisorDwiriani, Cesilia Meti
dc.description.abstractOne of the main strategies to prevent nutrition problem is to improve the role of midwife as one of the health provider to implement nutrition program. The objective of this study is to analyze the role of midwife on vitamin A supplementation program and exclusive breastfeeding practice. The study using cross sectional design, involving 20 midwives and 53 postpartum mothers purposively selected. The result showed that the role of midwife on vitamin A supplementation and exclusive breastfeeding program was reached 80%. The coverage of vitamin A supplementation was 35.9% and administration of two vitamin A capsules were 5.7%. Implementation of immediate breastfeeding was 79.3% and exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 month was 26.4%. The Spearman test showed no significant correlation between midwife and postpartum mothers knowledge with vitamin A supplementation and exclusive breastfeeding practice (p>0.05). The Pearson test showed no correlation between the role of midwife with vitamin A supplementation and exclusive breastfeeding program (p>0.05), also no correlation between the role of midwife with vitamin A supplementation and exclusive breastfeeding practice (p>0.05).en
dc.subject.ddcCommunity nutritionen
dc.titleAnalisis Peran Bidan pada Program Suplementasi Vitamin A dan Praktik Pemberian ASI Eksklusifen
dc.subject.keywordvitamin A supplementationen
dc.subject.keywordmaternal postpartumen
dc.subject.keywordexclusive breastfeedingen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en

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