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dc.contributor.advisorKhomsan, Ali
dc.contributor.advisorHernawati, Neti
dc.contributor.authorRumuy, Melinda
dc.description.abstractStunting is a chronic malnutrition and a common problem that still have been embraced by developing country. Under five years of age is the critical phase of children growth and development . Therefore, breast milk is the best food to be given, especially for children under two years old. The objectives of this study were to learn and analyze the effect of breastfeeding, weaning practices and nutritional status (height for age) to children’s development on under five years. This study design used a cross sectional study. Sample of this study were 80 children under five years. Descriptive analysis showed that 92.5% of subject had been given colostrum, 56.3% exclusive breastfeeding and 26.2% prelacteal also weaning food before six month. Stunting had found as much as 53.7%. As many as 46.2% subject had high, 22.5% were moderate, and 31.2% were low of development index. Regresion analysis revealed that 6.6% childrent’s development can be explained by nutritional status. Every Z-score improving will increase by 3.623 point of children’s development index.en
dc.subject.ddcCianjur-Jawa Baraten
dc.titlePengaruh Riwayat Pemberian ASI, MP-ASI dan Status Gizi terhadap Perkembangan Balitaen
dc.subject.keywordweaning fooden
dc.subject.keywordchildren under five yearsen
dc.subject.keywordchildren developmenten

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