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dc.contributor.advisorSatiawihardja, Budiatman
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Ni Kadek Willi Rusiana
dc.description.abstractThe ability of bilimbi tree (Averrhoa bilimbi. L.) to produce fruits annually is not proportional with the utilization so that many fresh fruits were fallen and spoiled on the soil. The sour taste makes this fruit is not edible straight away. Fruit jam is thought as an alternative processing product. Bilimbi is fermented before it is processed into jam, because the fermentation process is expected to be better in aroma and taste as well. The purpose of this research is to clarify the effect of fermentation process to the taste and flavour of the product. This bilimbi jam is fermented in three parts or periods, namely two days, three days, and four days in addition to without fermentation as the control. Besides that, there are three different of composition fruit and sugar portion, those are 55:45, 50:50, and 45:55. That formula are tested afterwards by organoleptic test and yield the best formula was that with four days fermentation and composition of fruit: sugar (55:45). The chemistry and physic analysis showed that bilimbi jam has pH 2.76- 3.06, with score aw 0.68-0.74, moisten content of 19.47%-27.72% (wet basis) and the total soluble solids of 68.75% until 73.13%. The result of analysis stated that all parameters which have been tested are match with the product standard. The outcome of this research also showed that fermentation process impacts to the taste produced, yet not influenced the flavor of the jam. This can be seen from the organoleptic tests of the product.en
dc.subject.ddcFood Preservationen
dc.subject.ddcFood Technologyen
dc.titlePengaruh Fermentasi dan Penambahan Gula dalam Proses Pembuatan Selai Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi. L.).en

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