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dc.contributor.advisorEkayanti, Ikeu
dc.contributor.authorBukhori, Ali Mahdi
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to know about hygiene and sanitation based on physical condition, as well as the knowledge of Sundanese restaurant’s manager in Bogor City. Case study and descriptive analysis was applied in this study. Sampling method of purposive sampling was carried out and the number of samples that used were 4 restaurants. The result of analysis based on Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 1098/Menkes/SK/VII/2003, total score of all variables on samples earned the lower score than minimum score. The sample that earned the highest score and close to minimum score after modification was SK (Saung Kuring) restaurant. The sample that earned lowest score was BK (Balai Kabayan) restaurant. Based on this research, all samples had no sertificate of hygiene and sanitation for restaurants. Most of samples had bad knowledge about hygiene and sanitation. Crosstabs showed that score of hygiene and sanitation tends to proportionate the number of consumer but inversely to knowledge of restaurant’s manager.en
dc.titleStudi Higiene Sanitasi Restoran Sunda di Kota Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordSundanese Restauranten

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