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dc.description.abstractThe abundance supply of cassava can be used as an alternative of wheat. Therefore, a technology to modify cassava, so it could have properties equivalent to wheat are needed. One way of doing it is by doing fermentation and turn it into mocaf. Mocaf can be used as wheat flour substitute for some products such as cakes. Although Indonesian people love fried foods, up until now there’s still no mocaf that could possibly compete wheat flour’s properties in term of fried products. Foods fried with mocaf isn’t crispy and wastes a lot of cooking oil due to its high swelling power and oil absorbing capacity. This research intends to create an optimized fermentation condition for mocaf so the mocaf could compete with wheat flour in fried products. The concern of this research are mocaf’s swelling power, oil absorbing capacity, and solubility. This three factors are important in flour, especially in term of fried foods. We could possibly control this three factors by setting up the fermentation time and using different starter concentration, and select the closest result to wheat flour. This research consists of two phases. First phase is to determine the fermentation time, and the second phase is to determine the concentration of the starter. From this research, the best fermentation time and concentration combination that could ressemble wheat flour are 12 hours and 1.5% ⁄. Longer fermentation time and higher starter concentration will result in higher solubility, swelling power, and oil absorbing capacity.en
dc.titleOptimasi Kondisi Fermentasi pada Proses Pembuatan Tepung Singkong Termodifikasi untuk Aplikasi pada Produk Pangan Gorenganen
dc.subject.keywordfried food productsen
dc.subject.keywordoil absorbing capacityen
dc.subject.keywordswelling poweren

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