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dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Nurheni Sri
dc.contributor.advisorZakaria, Fransiska R.
dc.contributor.authorJefferson, Michael
dc.description.abstractSawitA program is implemented in order to eliminate vitamin A deficiency utilizing CPO which is rich in carotenoid and scientifically proven to give health benefit to human body. This study focuses on the effect of CPO toward respondent acceptance and its health benefit in Babakan, Dramaga, and Sukadamai Village Bogor District. Home use test (HUT) was conducted to 72 respondents on consuming 2 – 3 mL per day CPO for 2 months. Most of the respondents are housewifes, on range 20-44 years old with elementary education backgrounds. Most of the family has low income (<250.000 rupiah) and high uniformity in food access. Acceptability analysis showed the respondent can accept CPO based on its colour (93%), taste (96%), and aroma (85%). By the consumption of 280 mL CPO will significantly increase RBP for 8,55% and 560 mL for 33,70-43,44% (α<0,05). The difference in CPO consumption is based on the difference in food consumption patten in each village and total family member who consumes CPO. Although CPO consumption is highly correlated to RBP increase (r=0,867, n=35,α<0.05). Thus, by consuming CPO is proven that it can help to fulfill retinol demand of respondents.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvitamin A.en
dc.subjectSawitA Programen
dc.titlePengaruh Konsumsi Minyak Sawit Mentah (MSMn) terhadap Penerimaan Sensori dan Kadar Retinol Binding Protein (RBP) Darah Responden Program SawitAen

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