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dc.contributor.advisorBaliwati, Yayuk Farida
dc.contributor.advisorDharmawan, Arya Hadi
dc.contributor.authorLatifah, Suci
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study are to analyze production, availability and consumption especially rice, to analyze land availability, and to analyze stakeholders’ knowledge, perception and attitude of agricultural land protection in Bogor District. The study found that average of rice production in Bogor District remains droped until 0.18% a year. The average of rice availability can suffice 64.6% rice consumtion in region, while the rest 35.4% was imported from other district. Food consumption pattern of carbohydrate fulfillment dominated by rice (75.7%) this equal to 275.8 g/cap/day or 100.67 kg/cap/year, so that dietary food pattern score remain 72.5. Land rice production prediction was designed with several scenarios showed that the 4th scenario was the best scenario. Stakeholder’s knowledge and perception was different to land conservation and affect to attitude to land conservation. In addition, attitude on agricultural land protection was depending on different interest that has to be facilitated by the stakeholders.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSustainable agricultural land protection,en
dc.subjectFood securityen
dc.titleAnalisis Pengetahuan, Persepsi, dan Sikap Pemangku Kebijakan Terhadap Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Bogoren

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