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dc.contributor.advisorNurtama, Budi
dc.contributor.advisorSanjaya, Tatang
dc.contributor.authorFertilia, Yora
dc.description.abstractChicken nugget is the main product that produced by PT. Belfoods Indonesia. The purpose of this research internship is reducing the amount of WIP (Work In Process) of chicken nuggets A which has size 250 grams during the production process. Chicken nugget production process has several stages. Packaging stage is the stage that determines the amount of WIP product. Working methods to implement PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Action). The analysis showed that there were four factors that influence the amount of WIP products, the amount of spade and design didn’t fit, unstructured product after filling, the difference determination officers to tidy packaging, and packaging decoding after exit IQF products. Work plan was prepared by providing employee training and submission of the purchase and design of a new tool. The results of the second times from repairing process after conducting employee training even without the use of alternative tools (shovel) was quite successfully. Control measures had been done by drafting some work rules and division of labor during packagingen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPDCA Cycleen
dc.subjectchicken nuggeten
dc.titleAplikasi Siklus PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Dalam Upaya Menurunkan WIP (Work In Process) Produk Chicken Nugget di PT. Belfoods Indonesiaen

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