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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Budi Indra
dc.contributor.authorRidhoatmaji, Dinda
dc.description.abstractNowdays flooding is not only experienced by residential area located on the lower plains, but also experienced by residential located on the plateau. Taman Sari Persada, Bogor, is one of the luxury residential that was not spared from such disasters. Study was conducted in the residential area with the goal of getting a rainwater infiltration system to reduce the risk of flooding. First of all, field observation, rain analysis and estimating hydrolic conductivity were conducted to be a reference in determining hydraulic design of water infiltration building. After that calculations should be done to determine the volume of flooding, infiltration capacity and effectiveness of the resulting infiltration. The research showed that flood discharge in Taman Sari Persada residential is about 6489.33 m3. To overcome this flooding problem, infiltration wells can be built at some homes and building an infiltration system along the main drainage channel in the residential area. These infiltration systems are estimated to reduce about 54.87% of the flood discharge occurring or about 3560.46 m3 of water. Furthermore, the rest of the runoff that is not absorbed is expected to be accommodated by the existing drainage channel.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectzero runoffen
dc.subjectResidential drainageen
dc.subjectInfiltration wellsen
dc.titleAnalisis dan Desain Bangunan Hidrolika dengan Konsep Zero Runoff di Perumahan Taman Sari Persada, Bogoren

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