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dc.contributor.authorPerdana, Fachruddin
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to analyze type, amount, and nutritional quality of breakfast among Indonesian children aged 3-12 years old. The data used for this study was the secondary data of Basic Health Survey 2010 (Riskesdas 2010) conducted by the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health Indonesia. Data was collected June until August 2010 by applying a cross sectional study design. This study covered 33 provinces of Indonesia, with 40 437 final total subjects; children consist of 20 659 boys and 19 778 girls. The results of this study showed that the ten major type of foods consumed during breakfast were rice, swamp cabbage, egg, fish, tempe, instant noodles, tofu, bread, chicken and biscuits; and the five major type of beverages consumed during breakfast were drinking water, tea, milk, coffee, and syrup. The food consumed on average of more than 5 g a day during breakfast were rice, swamp cabbage, egg, fish, tempe, instant noodles; and the beverages consumed on average of more than 15 mL a day were water, tea, and milk. Only 30.3% of children breakfast adequately fullfilled energy intake. The results showed that there was a positive significant correlation between parental education and family economic status with contribution of breakfast energy and nutritional quality of breakfast (p<0.01).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectnutritional quality of breakfasten
dc.subjectbreakfast typeen
dc.subjectbreakfast amounten
dc.titleAnalisis Jenis, Jumlah, dan Mutu Gizi Konsumsi Sarapan Anak Indonesiaen

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