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dc.contributor.advisorSyarief, Hidayat
dc.contributor.advisorTanziha, Ikeu
dc.contributor.authorRusmawati, Dwi
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed to examine determinant of anemia status, physical activity and academic achievement of students. This research used a cross sectional study. The number of samples were 52 elementary school student. Food consumption recall was used to measure iron source food consumption, academic achievement data was taken from exam semester and linear regression used for analysis determinants. Result showed a large number of children in normal status (51.92%) while the rest was anemia (48.08%). Nutritional knowledge of anemia student and normal student was low. Both anemia (68%) and normal student (55.6%) experience severe energy deficit, physical activity of anemia and normal students was classified as light. Academic achievement of students were very low with the score only below 60. Spearman correlation showed there was no relationship between physical activity with anemia status (p>0.05) and Pearson’s correlation showed there’s no relationship between academic score with anemia status (p>0.05). The result of regression analysis showed that poultry has negative significant effect anemia status.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectphysical activity and academic achievementen
dc.subjectanemia statusen
dc.subjectIron source food consumptionen
dc.titleDeterminan status anemia, aktivitas fisik dan prestasi belajar siswa di SDN Pasanggrahan II Purwakartaen

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