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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Budi
dc.contributor.advisorEkayanti, Ikeu
dc.description.abstractChildren were source of potentials and next fighter of nation’s ideal. Thus, they need to get chance to normally growth and develop as wide as possible (BPS 2001). This research was aimed to obtain information about performance of nutritional status, food consumption, contribution of food in school, and also sufficiency level of energy and nutrients of children of Sekolah Alam Bogor and SDIT Insantama in 2010. Data for this research was taken from research entitled “Analysis of Food Management in Elementary School and Menu Quality of Student in School” (Reisi Nurdiani 2010). Sekolah Alam Bogor has modus of age distribution at 11 years (43.48%) and SDIT Insantama at 10 years (40.00%). Age distribution of both schools wasn’t significantly (p>0.05) different. Percentages of sample in Sekolah Alam Bogor were 69.6% for male and 30.4 for female, while for SDIT Insantama were 65.7% for male and 34.3% for female. There were no significant (p>0.05) difference of both schools based on sex. Samples of both schools have modus of normal nutritional status, were 43.5% at Sekolah Alam Bogor and 51.7% at SDIT Insantama. Nutritional status of both schools, for male, students in normal category was 43.8% for Sekolah Alam Bogor and 60.9% for SDIT Insantama; while for female, students in normal category was 42.9% for Sekolah Alam Bogor and 47.4% for SDIT Insantama. There were no significant (p>0.05) different of both schools based on nutritional status. Based on classification of food type, grains and animal based food were dominated the diversity and total of consumption, while fruits was the least variety. Average consumption of energy, proteins, calcium and phosphorous of SDIT Insantama were higher than Sekolah Alam Bogor; nevertheless Sekolah Alam Bogor has higher average consumption of vitamin A, vitamin C and iron than SDIT Insantama. Based on sufficiency level, sufficiency of calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C of both school was significantly (p<0.05) different, while sufficiency of energy, protein, phosphorous and iron of both school wasn’t significantly (p>0.05) different. Contribution of energy and protein of food from school food service in both school were about 30% of average energy and protein requirement of elementary school children.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectschool food serviceen
dc.subjectnutritional statusen
dc.subjectnutrient sufficiencyen
dc.subjectconsumption patternen
dc.subjectchildren of elementary schoolen
dc.titleKeragaan status gizi, konsumsi pangan, tingkat kecukupan energi dan zat gizi anak di sekolah dasar dengan penyelenggaraan makananen

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