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dc.contributor.advisorAdawiyah, Dede Robiatul
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Nurheni Sri
dc.contributor.authorYahya, Nur Sofia Wardani
dc.description.abstractRice is a staple food for most Indonesian people. The Indonesian rice has different glycemic index (GI) according to variety and process which applied to rice. Rice usually is processed through milling process. There are 5% broken rice produced from milling process. The utilization of broken rice still limited in Indonesia. The main objective of this research was to develop analog rice based on broken rice and the addition of polyphenolic substances from black tea extract by using extrusion technology. Hopefully it would reduce the analog rice GI. So the product will be suitable not only for people who have Diabetes Mellitus (DM) which need to select their carbohydrate food source, but also for normal and health people. The addition of 4% (b/v) black tea extract to broken rice was conducted with 4 treatments: (1) without the addition of tea extract (as control); (2) during rice soaking before milling; (3) before the extrusion process; and (4) both of treatment 2 and 3. Starch digestibility (SD) analyzed by using in vitro method to determine the best treatment of black tea extract addition in lowering the digestibility of starch. The result showed that the fourth addition treatment of black tea extract had the lowest SD value as 58.32% ± 0.38% . These data correlated to GI conducted with in vivo analysis. GI of analog rice result was 44.19±10.75 (low GI), whereas the GI of broken rice was 71.16±15.41 (high GI). The addition of black tea extract significantly reduced the GI of analog rice from broken rice.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectstarch digestibilityen
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitusen
dc.titleIndeks Glikemik Beras Analog Berbahan Baku Menir dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Teh Hitamen

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