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dc.contributor.advisorFirlieyanti, Antung Sima
dc.contributor.advisorPurnomo, Eko Hari
dc.contributor.authorGinanjar, Bangun Marlina Ratna
dc.description.abstractGreen grass (Premna oblongifolia Merr.) jelly is one of functional food, that has been widely studied for it’s beneficial effect. The purposes of this study are to design pasteurization condition of green grass jelly and to study the effect of pasteurization on the jelly properties. Thermal schedule based on 6D concept targetting S. aureus were applied on the product in three combinations of time and temperature. The combinations were 36 minutes in 75°C, 25 minutes in 85°C, and 22 minutes in 95°C. Pasteurization reduced pH value, L value, a value, b value, rate of syneresis, gel strenght, rupture point, and rigidity. Pasteurization also decreased the total of chloropyll, a chlorophyll, b chlorophyll, phenol, and capacity of antioxidant. But, pasteurization increased the total dietary fiber (TDF, SDF, dan IDF). The results showed that the best pasteurization condition was 22 minutes in 95°C based on the physical and functional properties. Physical characteristics of the selected product were 8.24 of pH value, 22.64 of L value, -0.60 of a value, 4.20 of b value, 2.84% of syneresis rate, 493.7105 g/cm2 of gel strength, 3.13 cm of rupture point, and 1.9955 g/cm of rigidity. Moreover, the functional characteristics were 1.2220 mg/L of total chloropyhll , 1.0385 mg/L of a chlorophyll, 0.1838 mg/L of b chlorophyll, 36.1220 mg GAE/L of total phenol, 19.1591 mg AEAC/L of antioxidant capacity, 3.0275% of TDF, 2.1743% of SDF, and 0.8532% of IDF. The product was organoleptically acceptable and microbiologically safe.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectS. aureus.en
dc.subject6D concepten
dc.subjectchallenge testen
dc.subjectphysic and functional propertiesen
dc.subjectgreen grass jellyen
dc.titleEvaluasi Mutu Fisik, Mikrobiologi, dan Sifat Fungsional Gel Cincau Hijau (Premna Oblongifolia Merr.) dalam Kemasan dengan Perlakuan Pasteurisasien

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