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dc.contributor.advisorNegara, AA. Nyoman Merta
dc.contributor.authorDwijayani, Anggi Sri
dc.description.abstractStreet foods is one of the types of foods that are known in the public, especially students. Street Foods for Students (SFFS) sampling results by National Agency for Drug and Food Control RI period 2008-2010 shows that 40-44% street foods does not meet the requirement. The study is covertly designed to make e-notfication food safety Street Foods for Students (e-notification food safety SFFS) and e-notification national action of Street Foods for Students (SFFS NA) to the students consisting of procedure e-notification, a questionnaire, and instructions chargng a questionnaire to facilitate of self monitoring food safety by the students. Besides, to see if the e-notification can be applied for elementary students class 4 to 6. Making e-notification SFFS consisted of 6 stages: (1). making concept procedures e-notification, a questionnaire, instructions charging a questionnaire; (2). socialization concept e-notification on training of trainers technical guidance; (3). socialization concept e-notifications to students; (4). validity and reliability of the questionnaire; (5). Interview; (6). Repair the concept of e-notification. The percentage of the students who have been fill a question in accordance with a clue charging is good enough, it is above 60 % if averaged of any questions.SPSS output used the pearson correlaton technique to test the validity (at 5% significance level) shows that most of the questions that has tested the validity has r count larger than r table product moment (0.279). SPSS Output used split half and Cronbach Alpha techniques to test the reliability (at 5% significance level) with value correlation between part 1 and part 2, the value of Guttman Split half, and the value of Cronbach Alpha are larger than r table product moment for (0.279). Thus, the most questions at questionnaires that tested their validity and reliability are valid and reliable. Repair a questionnaire done by improving and disposing of the question that is not valid, change the position of the question as well as by derivation with the addition of an arrowhead mark and the box. Repairs will be done on a clue charging a questionnaire as well as changes in the procedures to e-notification SFFS.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectstreet foodsen
dc.subjectfood safetyen
dc.titlePengembangan e-Notifikasi Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah (PJAS) Untuk Siswa Sekolah Sebagai Perwujudan Pengawasan Keamanan Pangan Mandirien

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