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dc.contributor.advisorAhza, Adil Basuki
dc.contributor.authorQueentasari, Dini
dc.description.abstractWhole bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus membranaceus Munro) freshly harvested in Doi Tung were blanched at 90-100 ⁰C in various concentrations of sodium metabisulfite solution (0, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%) for ten minutes, as pretreatment, and then dried at various temperatures (50 ⁰C, 60 ⁰C, and 70 ⁰C) using a laboratory scale hot air drier. Effects of both pretreatment and drying temperature on quality of dried bamboo shoots were evaluated. There were seven parameters observed: drying time, aw, color, rehydration ratio, shrinkage, firmness, and total residual sulfites. Results showed that drying time decreased with increase in the drying temperature (p<0.01) while both pretreatment and drying temperature had no significant effect (p>0.05) on aw and shrinkage of dried bamboo shoots. Moreover, L* value, b* value, and rehydration ratio increased with increase in concentration of sodium metabisulfite and decrease in drying temperature, whereas a* value increased. The higher b* value and rehydration ratio (p<0.01) were found in samples blanched in 1.5% Na2S2O5 solution and dried at 50 ⁰C and samples blanched in 1.0% Na2S2O5 solution and dried at 60 ⁰C. It was also observed that total residual sulfites in dried-sulfited sample was quite high, ranged from 1250 to 3378 ppm SO2 while the sample blanched in 1.5% Na2S2O5 solution had higher residual sulfites than the other concentrations. Based on the parameters, sample blanched in 1.0% Na2S2O5 solution and then dried at 60 ⁰C was chosen to be the best sample. Results of rating hedonic test confirmed that the rehydrated of the best sample was more preferrable than the rehydrated-commercial dried bamboo shoots. It is suggested that blanching in 1.0% Na2S2O5 solution and then drying at 60 ⁰C is a better drying condition to produce dried bamboo shoots with a desired quality and applicable in Doi Tung.en
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectbamboo shootsen
dc.subjecthot air drieren
dc.subjectsodium metabisulfiteen
dc.subjectrehydration ratioen
dc.titleEffetcs of Pretreatment and Drying Temperature on Quality of Dried Bamboo Shoots (Dendrocalamus membranaceus Munro)en

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