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dc.contributor.advisorJenie, Betty Sri Laksmi
dc.contributor.advisorKusumaningrum, Harsi D.
dc.contributor.authorRukoyah, Nina Siti
dc.contributor.authorRukoyah, Nina Siti
dc.description.abstractSome cases of salmonellosis because of consume fresh food products have been widely reported. Conditions of neutral pH, water content and nutrients in the food product are a suitable environment for growth of pathogenic bacteria, especially Gram-negative bacteria Salmonella. Dry processing is one of preservation techniques of food products are often used to prevent the growth of Salmonella. Some dried food product has a longer self live than fresh food products. Although dry conditions are less favorable environment for bacterial growth, but there are several strains of Salmonella that has been reported survive in dry conditions with low aw (0,2-0,5). A number of food borne pathogen (KLB) salmonellosis after eating dry food products such as milk powder, chocolate, chips, desiccated coconut and almonds contaminated by Salmonella has been reported in the United States and Europe since 1960. Data of Salmonella contamination on dried food products has not been reported in Indonesia. Under these conditions, the study was conducted to test for Salmonella spp. in several food products include dried skimmed milk powder, cocoa powder and desiccated coconut and tested for resistance in drying process. The method used in these testing of Salmonella spp. is the conventional method based on USFDA BAM (2007) and biochemical testing methods using API Test 20E. Selective enrichment media used were tetrathionate broth (TTB) and rappaport-vassiliadis (RV). Specific media used were hektoen enteric agar (HEA), bismuth sulfite agar (BSA) and xylose lysine deoxycholate agar (XLDA). Test results showed that selective enrichment media and agar media specific TTB and HEA able to confirm the positive expectations of Salmonella is more accurate than other selective media. Salmonella detection test results until the confirmation test (using urea broth media / UB) showed that some 29.6% of 27 samples of dried food products are analyzed, it was suspected positive Salmonella. The samples are two samples of cocoa powder, four samples of skimmed milk powder and two samples of desiccated coconut. All of the samples that are suspected positive Salmonella were samples using a low density polyethylene (LDPE) packaging that is not sealed and contained total microbial contaminant that exceeds SNI standards. Identification of suspected Salmonella using API Test 20E shows that the bacterial isolates from a suspected positive Salmonella sample is identified not 100% Salmonella. Isolate sample A9 (cocoa powder) has 15 biochemical properties similar with Salmonella spp. ATCC 14028. This shows that in the prediction rate 75%, isolates from samples A9 is Salmonella. The test results showed that the isolates from skim milk powder sample B4 75% identified as S. Paratyphi, isolates from samples of skimmed milk powder B9 85% identified as S. arizonae, isolates from skim milk powder sample B10 75% identified S. arizonae and isolates from skim milk powder sample B6 60% identified S. arizonae. While the desiccated coconut samples (C2 and C4) were identified not Salmonella, because of the negative reaction with glucose. Treatment for resistance testing of Salmonella in dry processing includes the process of oven drying temperature 90oC for 4 hours and 5 hours and the oven drying temperature 90oC- 110oC for 3 hours and 3 ½ hours. Treatment temperatures and different drying time results the different effectiveness Salmonella killing. Higher temperature and longer drying time, more effectively kills Salmonella. In addition, the use of proper drying temperature also affect the color appearance of desiccated coconut products produced. Based on this study, the drying process of desiccated coconut which is recommended to produce good quality desiccated coconut and safe from Salmonella is drying at 90oC for 5 hours. Standard drying process effectively kills Salmonella only be applied on desiccated coconut products only.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengujian Salmonella spp. pada Beberapa Produk Pangan Kering dan Uji Ketahanannya terhadap Proses Pengeringanen

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