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dc.contributor.advisorSuyatma,Nugraha Edhi
dc.contributor.advisorPandiangan, Payaman
dc.contributor.authorAdimulyo, Paramita
dc.description.abstractPT Sinar Meadow International Indonesia is a manufacture industry producing margarine and shortening. Both products are made from several type of vegetable oil or fat that combined together into an oil blend. Formulation of the oil blend could affect the characteristic of the margarine and shortening products. Oil blend in this research consist of (1) palm oil (PO)/palm stearin (PS), (2) palm oil (PO)/coconut oil (CNO), and (3) PO/PS/CNO. Oil blend characteristics such as solid fat content (SFC) and slip melting point (SMP) of PO, PS, CNO and their binary blends at 1:1, 1:0, 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2, 9:1 ,0:1 (w/w) were evaluated and compared with theoretical approach so that the correlation of that parameter could be analyzed. SFC was observed in four temperature observation; 10⁰C, 20⁰C, 30⁰C and 40⁰C using low-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Oil blend PS/PO is currently having linier predictable SFC curve and there is no significance difference from theoretical curve. SFC curve for CNO/PO is linear only when observed in 10⁰C and 30⁰C. CNO/PO/PS with fixed proportion of 10%CNO having SFC curve pattern like oil blend PO/PS. SFC curve of CNO/PO/PS with varied CNO proportion is sharper. SFC curves from oil blend PO/CNO and CNO/PO/PS are significantly different from theoretical value. Higher proportion of PO resulting in higher SMP, while increased proportion of CNO is decreasing SMP. There is significant difference SMP in each formulation of oil blends.en
dc.subjectpalm oilen
dc.subjectpalm stearinen
dc.subjectcoconut oilen
dc.subjectoil blenden
dc.subjectsolid fat content (SFC)en
dc.subjectslip melting pointen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKajian Pencampuran Minyak dan Lemak (Minyak Kelapa Sawit, Stearin, dan Minyak Kelapa) terhadap Karakteristik Minyak Campurannya di PT Sinar Meadow International Indonesiaen

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