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dc.contributor.authorKesuma, Tiara Indah
dc.description.abstractPineapple (Ananas comocus (L) Merr) was one kind of fruits in tropical and subtropical area, that contains vitamin C and fiber. Pineapple was a good material for making velva. In the present study, pineapple velva was produced from fresh pineapple puree and pineapple powder. The advantages of pineapple powder for making velva were it is shelf stable at room temperature, and it is simple in serving, packaging, and transportation. The purpose from this research were to evaluate the effect of type and concentration of starch as filler in making pineapple powder and the difference of velva prepared from fresh pineapple puree and that from pineapple powder. The study consist of three stage, i.e. preparation stage, First Experiment, and Second Experiment. The preparation stage consists of making velva from pineapple puree and the determination of objective quality of pineapple velva. The First Experiment consist of making pineapple powder with the addition of starch as filler (tapioca, maizena, and sago), and the selection the best formulae of pineapple powder. The Second Experiment consists of making velva from pineapple powder with the addition of CMC as stabilizer (0%, 0.25%, and 0.5%), organoleptic test, and the selection the best formulae of velva from pineapple powder. The result of pineapple velva objective quality in the preparation stage was used as standard for quality of velva in the later stage. Pineapple velva objective quality consist of viscosity, overrun, melting time, total solid, pH, and vitamin C content. The result show that the best formulae of pineapple powder was the one that used cornstarch with 15% concentration. The result of velva from pineapple powder showed that the viscosity, total solid, and melting time tend to increase with the increase of concentration of CMC, but the overrun, pH, and vitamin C content tend to decrease with the increase of concentration of CMC. The velva from pineapple powder objective quality and the organoleptic test showed that the best formulae is the velva from pineapple powder with the addition 0.25% concentration of CMCen
dc.subjectpineapple powdeen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pati terhadap Karakteristik Tepung Nanas (Ananas Comocus (L) Merr) dan Pengaruh CMC Terhadap Karakteristik Velva Berbahan Dasar Tepung Nanasen

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