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dc.contributor.advisorRiyadi, Hadi
dc.contributor.authorAnindita, Tamia Dwi
dc.description.abstractBody image can be defined as the degree of satisfaction of the individual against himself physically that include size, shape, and appearance in general. Body image of adolescents is an important matter, because adolescence undergone many changes, both physically and psychologically. Because adolescence is one of the important stages in growth, perceptions of body image can be influenced by eating habits. Eating habits is what will affect nutritional status. This study aims to examine the relationship between perceptions of body image and eating habits with nutritional status of gymnastics and swimming athletes in the Ragunan Athletes School Jakarta. The research was conducted in May 2011 using cross-sectional study design. Purposively selected examples (n = 32 individuals) consist of 12 gymnastic athletes and 20 swimming athletes (average age 14.5 ± 1.8 years, average weight 52.5 ± 10.6 kg, and mean height 162.8 ± 10.5 cm). The results of this study shows that the level of nutrition knowledge is fair (40%) and the majority have normal nutritional status (96.9%). Most of the energy adequacy level examples are categorized highly deficit, while protein adequacy is normal. Iron and vitamin C adequacy are insufficient, whereas vitamin A adequacy is categorized sufficient. 68.75% of samples chose a positive perception of body image. The number of swimming athletes have more negative perceptions of body image than gymnastics athletes. There is a difference between the two samples on actual and ideal body shape. Spearman correlation test shows no correlation between family characteristics and sampel with perceptions of body image. Knowledge of nutrition didn’t have a significant correlation with the perception of body image (p = 0647 and r = 0084). While there is a significant correlation between actual body shape with perceptions of body image (p = 0.001 and r = 0718). The Spearman correlation test also examines the relationship between family characteristics and examples, knowledge of nutrition, eating habits, and perceptions of body image with nutritional status. Of the total surveyed, there is no correlation with nutritional status. Based on this study, there is a need of nutrition knowledge in samples which have a negative perception of body image in order to avoid misperceptions that could lead to over nutrition and even under nutrition.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHubungan persepsi body dan image dan kebiasaan makan dengan status gizi pada atlet senam dan renang di sekolah atlet Ragunan Jakartaen

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