Profil Sensori dan Penerimaan Konsumen Minuman Mengandung Susu Berperisa Cokelat Dibandingkan dengan Minuman Susu Berperisa Cokelat
Peminatan terhadap produk susu di Indonesia terus meningkat, namun kenaikan harga bahan baku seperti susu sapi dan biji kakao menyebabkan 58% konsumen memilih produk dengan harga terjangkau. Perusahaan XYZ menanggapi dengan memformulasikan minuman susu sesuai kategori BPOM 01.1.4 Minuman Susu Cair Rasa/Berperisa, formulasi tersebut masuk dalam subkategori minuman
mengandung susu berperisa dengan profil sensori yang diharapkan sebanding/mirip dengan produk subkategori minuman susu berperisa. Formulasi ini dibuat dengan
prinsip cost-reduction, bahan dasar yang mengalami kenaikkan harga diantaranya susu bubuk full-cream dan bubuk kakao dikurangi kadarnya dan ditambahkan
dengan bahan alternatif cocoa extender flavor, flavor mouthfeel enhancer, dan stabilizer hidrokoloid.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi apakah profil sensori minuman mengandung susu berperisa cokelat dengan penambahan tiga bahan alternatif tersebut dapat sebanding dengan minuman susu berperisa serta bagaimana
penerimaannya berdasarkan persepsi konsumen, terutama dari segi penampilan, aroma, rasa, flavor, dan mouthfeel. Sampel yang diuji mencakup referensi (minuman susu berperisa cokelat), serta prototipe A dan B (minuman mengandung susu berperisa cokelat). Uji sensori melibatkan 90 mahasiswa ITP IPB dengan 13 atribut menggunakan metode RATA (Rate-All-That-Apply) dan rating hedonik
berskala lima poin. Hasil uji RATA menunjukkan bahwa profil sensori dan penerimaan konsumen prototipe A dan B masih belum sebanding dengan referensi, cocoa extender flavor belum mampu menggantikan kompleksitas sensori kakao,
sedangkan mouthfeel enhancer dan stabilizer hidrokoloid menghasilkan mouthfeel yang berlebihan. Untuk meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen, masih perlu dilakukan
optimasi terhadap kedua prototipe agar mendekati kesukaan konsumen. The demand for dairy products in Indonesia continues to rise, yet rising costs of raw materials, such as cow’s milk and cocoa beans, have led 58% of consumers to choose more affordable products. Company XYZ responded by formulating a dairy beverage under the BPOM category 01.1.4 Minuman Susu Cair
Rasa/Berperisa (Flavored Liquid Milk Beverages), placing it within the subcategory of milk-based beverages with a sensory profile intended to resemble that of flavored milk beverages. Developed with a cost-reduction approach, the
formulation reduced the levels of key ingredients facing price increases, including full-cream milk powder and cocoa powder, and incorporated alternative ingredients such as cocoa extender flavor, mouthfeel enhancer flavor, and hydrocolloid stabilizer.
This study aims to evaluate whether the sensory profile of the chocolate flavored milk-based beverage with these three alternative ingredients is comparable to that of flavored milk beverages, as well as to assess consumer acceptance based
on appearance, aroma, basic taste, flavor, and mouthfeel. The samples tested included a reference product (chocolate-flavored milk beverage) and prototypes A and B (chocolate-flavored milk-based beverages). Sensory testing involved 90 FST IPB students, evaluating 13 attributes using the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) method and a five-point hedonic scale. The RATA results indicated that the sensory profile and consumer acceptance of prototypes A and B were not yet comparable to
the reference. The cocoa extender flavor failed to replicate the sensory complexity of cocoa, while the mouthfeel enhancer and hydrocolloid stabilizers created an overly heavy mouthfeel. To improve consumer satisfaction, further optimization of both prototypes is needed to better align with consumer preferences.