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dc.contributor.advisorKusumaningrum, Harsi Dewantari
dc.contributor.authorFadhillah, Azzam Akbar
dc.descriptionPlease limit my publication to abstract as I am going to publish it on a
dc.description.abstractPengembangan produk berkuah siap santap dalam retort pouch didasari oleh keinginan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan produk yang cepat disantap, tahan pada suhu ruang, mudah dibawa, dan tidak cepat rusak. Pada umumnya, pembuatan produk berkuah dalam retort pouch dilakukan dengan menyiapkan bahan utama, menyiapkan kuah, memasukkan kedua bahan ke dalam kantong, dan melakukan sterilisasi. Parameter yang perlu dilihat dalam proses termal produk berkuah adalah karakteristik retort pouch, karakteristik produk, dan karakteristik proses (alat yang digunakan dan kondisi proses). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara telaah pustaka dengan memasukkan berbagai kata kunci ke dalam mesin pencarian jurnal. Seleksi dan pengujian rujukan menghasilkan data sekunder sebanyak 12 artikel. Telaah pustaka menunjukkan proses sterilisasi produk menggunakan suhu, tekanan, dan bobot isi yang setara, retort pouch yang stabil setelah melalui proses termal, nilai F0 yang di atas standar minimal, terdapat perubahan mutu fisik seperti warna dan tekstur, dan terdapat perubahan mutu kimia selama penyimpanan 6 bulan. Jenis perangkat retort yang digunakan juga berpengaruh pada efisiensi penetrasi panas. Perangkat retort steam air terbukti memberikan penetrasi panas yang lebih baik daripada perangkat retort water
dc.description.abstractThe development of ready-to-eat products with gravy in retort pouches is based on the public's will to get a product that is quick to eat, able to withstand room temperature, easy to carry, and does not quickly deteriorate. In general, the making process of products in gravy in retort pouches is done by preparing the main ingredients, preparing the gravy, putting both ingredients into the pouch, and conducting sterilization. The parameters that need to be looked at in the retort process of products in gravy are retort pouch characteristics, characteristics of the product, and characteristics of the process (utilized tools and the process condition). This research was carried out by means of a literature review by entering various keywords into a journal search engine. Selection and testing of references yielded secondary data of 12 articles. Literature review showed that the product sterilization process used equivalent temperature, pressure, and weight of contents, the retort pouch was stable after going through the retort process, the F0 value was above the minimum standard, there were changes in physical quality such as color and texture, and there were changes in chemical quality during 6 months of storage. The type of retort device used also influenced the heat penetration efficiency. Steam-air retort devices were proven to provide better heat penetration than water immersion retort
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleTinjauan Sistematis: Proses Sterilisasi Komersial pada Produk Berkuah dalam Kemasan Retort Pouchid
dc.title.alternativeSystematic Review: Commercial Sterilization Process for Products with Gravy in Retort Pouch Packagingid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordchemical qualityid
dc.subject.keywordphysical qualityid
dc.subject.keywordproducts with gravyid
dc.subject.keywordretort pouchesid

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