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dc.contributor.advisorDewi, Febriantina
dc.contributor.advisorMuhibuddin, Fuad Wahdan
dc.contributor.authorKarimah, Haura Afifatul
dc.description.abstractPerkembangan industri furnitur disertai dengan meningkatnya jumlah sampah furnitur yang dihasilkan. Wastedrop merupakan bisnis yang mendukung perbaikan kualitas pengelolaan sampah furnitur. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan kesesuaian produk dan layanan Wastedrop dengan pasar. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah customer discovery dengan mewawancarai 50 responden pada uji masalah dan 20 responden pada uji solusi. Hasil uji masalah menunjukkan 88% responden calon pelanggan layanan mengalami berbagai permasalahan ketika membuang sampah furnitur dan 80% responden calon pelanggan eco-furniture tertarik untuk melakukan pembelian. Solusi kemudian dirancang dalam bentuk high-fidelity prototype dan dipresentasikan kepada responden. Hasil uji solusi digunakan untuk memperbaiki rancangan solusi dan menyesuaikan model bisnis dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi calon pelanggan. Tahap akhir penelitian ini yaitu verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa bisnis Wastedrop dapat dilanjutkan menuju tahap customer development lainnyaid
dc.description.abstractThe development of the furniture industry is accompanied by an increase of furniture waste produced. Wastedrop is a business that supports improving the quality of furniture waste management. This research was conducted to find the suitability of Wastedrop products and services with the market. The method used in this research is customer discovery by interviewing 50 respondents in the problem test and 20 respondents in the solution test. The problem test results show that 88% of prospective service customer respondents experience various problems when disposing of furniture waste and 80% of potential eco-furniture customer respondents are interested in making a purchase. The solution is then designed in the form of a high-fidelity prototype and presented to respondents. The solution test results are used to improve the solution design and adapt the business model to the needs and preferences of potential customers. The verification stage shows that the Wastedrop business can be continued to the next customer development
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleWastedrop: Solusi Pengelolaan Sampah Furnitur Berbasis Platform Digitalid
dc.title.alternativeWastedrop: Digital Platform-Based Solution to Furniture Waste Managementid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness modelsid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer discoveryid
dc.subject.keywordpickup serviceid
dc.subject.keywordwaste managementid

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