Browsing UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology by Title
Now showing items 931-950 of 1003
Tampilan anak tikus jantan (rattus novergicus) dari induk yang diberi ekstrak etanol akar purwoceng (pimpinella alpina) selama 1-13 hari kebuntingan
(2014)Purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina) adalah tanaman obat langka asli Indonesia yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Akarnya berkhasiat sebagai afrodisiak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pemberian ekstrak etanol akar ... -
Temperatur Tubuh, Frekuensi Jantung dan Frekuensi Nafas Induk Sapi Perah yang Divaksin dengan Vaksin Escherichia coli Pada Periode Kering Kandang
(2008)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati status kesehatan induk sapi Friesian Holstein (FH) bunting yang divaksin dengan vaksin Escherichia coli polivalen melalui pengamatan terhadap temperatur tubuh, frekuensi jantung dan ... -
Termogram Gajah Sumatra Berdasarkan Pencitraan Regio Tubuh Menggunakan Kamera Termal Inframerah Di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan
(2022)Gajah Sumatra adalah satwa endotermis dan rentan terhadap cekaman panas. Kamera termal inframerah dapat digunakan untuk mengukur suhu tubuh tanpa melakukan kontak langsung, non-invasif, dan efisien. Penelitian ini menggunakan ... -
The Activity of Cavendish Banana Infusion as Antidiarrheal in Mice (Mus musculus)
(2023-07-20)Traditional plant medicine has been used by the Indonesian community in treating diarrhea. Unripe Cavendish banana is one of the traditional plants believed to be effective in treating diarrhea, as it contains tannins, ... -
The Association of Feline Temperament Profile (FTP) and Infrared Thermography (IRT) for Stress Assessment of Shelter Cats
(2024)Understanding individual responses to stress is a key aspect of maintaining optimal animal welfare, especially for cats that are being kept in shelters which is considered as unfamiliar environment. Feline temperament ... -
The Effect of Different Types of Enrichment on Stereotypic Behaviour of Captive Hylobates lar at Gibbon Rehabilitation Project in Raub, Pahang, Malaysia
(2022-07-21)Owa serudung, juga dikenal sebagai Hylobates lar, sangat terancam punah. Rehabilitasi merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mencegah owa dari kepunahan. Untuk mengembalikan owa ke alam liar, owa harus siap secara fisik dan ... -
The effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on the profile of immunohistochemical antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the kidney of diabetes mellitus rat.
(2009)The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on the profile of copper zinc-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) in the kidney tissue of rats. A total of 25 male white rats (Rattus novergicus), ... -
The Effects of Avocado Oil (Persea americana Mill.) as Hair Growth Promoters on Rats (Rattus novergicus)
(2023)Essential oils and carrier oils are commonly used as pharmacology cosmetics in promoting hair growth. Avocado oil is one of the carrier oils rarely discussed as a hair growth-promoting cosmetics as compared to other oils. ... -
The Impact Of Lignocaine- Ropivacaine Local Block Anaesthesia On Cat Post Castration
(2024-07-05)This study aimed to assess the impact of a lignocaine-ropivacaine block on cats post castration. Eight cats were divided into two groups. First group consists of 4 male cats that were induced with mixture of tiletamine+zolazepam ... -
The Relation Between Colic Incidents With Colic Risk Factors In Horses (Case Study At Several Stable In Bogor And Tangerang Iu The Period Of January 2000 - April 2001).
(2001)The aim of this study is to show the relation between horse colic incidents with the colic risk factors at several stables in Bogor and Tangerang. Population taken in this study was 201 horses. Direct investigation, interview ... -
Therapeutic Drugs in Pancreatitis Treatment of Cats and Dogs at Gasing Veterinary Hospital Selangor, Malaysia
(2021-07-19)Inflammation of the pancreas or widely known as pancreatitis, is commonly seen in dogs and cats in the veterinary field. This study aims to understand and gain knowledge on the usage of therapeutic drugs in pancreatitis ... -
Therapeutic Drugs Used in Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis Treatment in Century Animal Clinic Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia 2019-2021
(2022-07-19)Canine ehrlichiosis is a serious and sometimes fatal tick-borne disease that is cause by infectious bacteria of the Ehrlichia genus. The most common species that infects dogs include Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia ewingii ... -
Therapeutic Drugs Used in Feline Calicivirus Treatment at Jawhari Cat Veterinary Centre
(2022-07-19)Feline calicivirus (FCV) is one of the infectious viruses that causes diseases and affects the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. FCV is highly widespread and a major pathogen of cats worldwide. In many countries, ... -
Therapeutic Drugs Used in Pyometra Treatment of Dogs and Cats at Gasing Veterinary Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia
(2021)Pyometra is a condition where there is accumulation of purulent material in the uterus due to bacterial infection. The primary cause of pyometra is believed to be associated with hormonal imbalance and repeated stimulation ... -
Therapeutic Drugs Used in the Treatment of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) at Gasing Veterinary Hospital, Malaysia
(2021)Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a broad term often used in describing any disorders affecting the lower urinary tract which includes the bladder and urethra. Although there are multiple causes of FLUTD, ... -
Therapeutic Drugs Used Myxomatous Mitral Valve Degeneration (MMVD) in Dogs at Gasing Veterinary Hospital in Selangor,
(2022-07-19)Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) is a chronic degenerative disease in which the cardiac valves, mainly the mitral valve, undergo leaflet thickening or prolapse due to aging process or genetic factor. There are ... -
Tingkat Absorbansi Alat Spektrofotometer dan Scanner untuk Deteksi Kesempurnaan Pengeluaran Darah pada Daging Puyuh
(2017)Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan tingkat absorbansi dari aspek penting keamanan pangan yang menjadi perhatian masyarakat saat ini yaitu halal. Salah satu cara mendeteksi daging bangkai di pasaran adalah kesempurnaan ... -
Tingkat Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan Inseminasi Buatan di KPBS Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung (Periode Januari 1999 sampai Januari 2000)
(2000)Susu merupakan salah satu sumber gizi protein hewani yang mengandung protein sangat tinggi, sehingga bermanfaat dalam menunjang pertumbuhan, kecerdasan dan daya tahan tubuh (Buhanuddin, 2000). Peternakan sapi perah sebagai ... -
. Tingkat Keberhasilan Produksi Embrio Secara In Vitro Menggunakan Semen Beku Sapi Bali (Bos Javanicus) Dan Ongole (Bos Indicus).
(2014)Upaya peningkatan produktivitas dan populasi sapi lokal salah satunya adalah produksi embrio metode fertilisasi in vitro, metode ini memanfaatkan oosit ovarium sapi betina dari rumah potong hewan yang difertilisasi menggunakan ... -
Tingkat Pertumbuha, Gambaran Darah, Histopatologis Hati dan Otak Tikus Putih pada Pemberian Ransum yang Mengandung Kedelai Mentah
(1987)Kedelai dikenal sebagai bahan nakanan, baik bagi manusia maupun hewan, memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Protein kedelai mengandung asam amino yang penting bagi pembentukan tubuh. Namun pembatas utama dari kekurangan protein ...