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Maintaining the Quality of Cavendish Bananas through the Application of Chitosan Edible Coating Using the Dip and Spray Methods

dc.contributor.advisorNurheni, Sri Palupi
dc.contributor.advisorPramuhadi, Gatot
dc.contributor.authorUlya, Putri Rutbata
dc.descriptionSkripsi ini sudah diajukan untuk pembatasan publikasi sebab akan dilakukan publikasi jurnalid
dc.description.abstractPenerapan teknologi pascapanen seperti edible coating diperlukan dalam memperpanjang umur simpan pisang. Kitosan merupakan bahan edible coating yang dapat melapisi permukaan kulit buah dengan baik sehingga menghambat respirasi dan memperpanjang umur simpannya. Jenis metode pelapisan menjadi faktor yang penting dalam aplikasi edible coating. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi susut bobot, rasio bobot daging terhadap kulit, kekerasan, pH, padatan terlarut total, konversi pati menjadi gula, warna kulit, dan keparahan penyakit buah pisang cavendish yang dilapisi coating kitosan (1,25 %) dengan metode celup dan semprot. Penyimpanan pisang dilakukan pada suhu ruang (26 ± 2oC) dengan RH 80±5% selama 11 hari. Sprayer gendong bermotor digunakan untuk menyemprotkan larutan coating. Uji kinerja alat sprayer dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitasnya. Hasil uji menunjukkan tekanan semprot sebesar (4 ± 0,00) kgf/cm2, tinggi penyemprotan sebesar (58,5 ± 0,71) cm, diameter droplet sebesar (78,50 ± 12,02) μm, dan kerapatan droplet sebesar (733,5 ± 20,51) droplet/cm2. Pelapisan kitosan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap rasio bobot daging:kulit, kekerasan, padatan terlarut total, pH, nilai a* warna, dan keparahan penyakit buah pisang. Pisang coating metode semprot tidak mengalami kemunculan bintik coklat selama penyimpanan dan memiliki nilai keparahan penyakit terendah pada hari ke-11 penyimpanan yaitu sebesar 3,33 ± 0,00 dibanding metode celup sebesar 4,17 ± 0,71 dan tanpa pelapis sebesar 5,00 ± 0,00. Penghambatan susut bobot hanya terjadi pada pisang coating metode semprot, dengan nilai susut bobot pada hari ke-11 penyimpanan sebesar (14,51 ± 0,28)%, dibanding metode celup sebesar (15,32 ± 0,64)%, dan tanpa pelapis sebesar (15,25 ± 0,26)%. Pisang coating metode semprot memiliki nilai kekerasan pada hari ke-5 penyimpanan sebesar (29,11 ± 0,25) mm/50g/50dtk, lebih rendah dibanding metode celup sebesar (34,81 ± 0,43) mm/50g/50dtk, dan tanpa pelapis sebesar (37,58 ±0 ,01) mm/50g/50dtk. Pisang tanpa pelapis telah mengalami konversi pati seluruhnya pada hari ke-5 penyimpanan, sedangkan pati pisang coating metode semprot terkonversi sebesar 45%, lebih rendah dibanding metode celup sebesar >65%. Hal ini menunjukkan metode semprot menghasilkan sebaran larutan kitosan lebih merata dan mampu mempertahankan mutu buah pisang dibanding metode
dc.description.abstractApplying postharvest technology such as edible coating is needed to extend the shelf life of bananas. Chitosan is an edible coating material that has an excellent ability to coat the surface of fruit so that it inhibits respiration and extends its shelf life. The coating method is an essential factor in the application of edible coating. This study aims to evaluate the weight loss, pulp-to-peel ratio, firmness, pH, total soluble solids, starch-to-sugar conversion, peel color, and disease severity of cavendish bananas coated with chitosan solution (1.25 %) using the dip and spray method. A knapsack power sprayer was used to spray the coating solution. The sprayer performance test was carried out to evaluate its effectiveness. The result of the tests shows spray pressure (4 ± 0.00) kgf/cm2, spray height (58.5 ± 0.71) cm, droplet diameter (78.50 ± 12.02) μm, and droplet density (733.5 ± 20.51) droplet/cm2. Chitosan coating significantly affects the pulp:peel ratio, firmness, total soluble solids, pH, a* color value, and disease severity of bananas. Spray coated bananas do not experience the appearance of brown spots during storage and have the lowest disease severity value on the 11th day of storage which is 3.33 ± 0.00 compared to the dip coated of 4.17 ± 0.71 and uncoated 5.00 ± 0.00. Inhibition of weight loss only occurs in spray coated bananas, with a weight loss value on the 11th day of storage (14.51 ± 0.28)%, compared to the dip coated of (15.32 ± 0.64)%, and uncoated of (15.25 ± 0.26)%. Spray coated bananas have the value of firmness on the 5th day of storage (29.11 ± 0.25) mm/50g/50s, lower than the dip coated of (34.81 ± 0.43) mm/50g/50s, and uncoated of (37.58 ± 0.01) mm/50g/50s. Uncoated bananas have experienced a complete conversion of starch on the 5th day of storage, while the spray coated is converted by 45%, lower than the dip coated of >65%. The results show the spray method produces an even distribution of coating and can maintain the quality of bananas compared to the dip
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleMempertahankan Mutu Pisang Cavendish Melalui Aplikasi Edible Coating Kitosan Menggunakan Metode Celup dan Semprotid
dc.titleMaintaining the Quality of Cavendish Bananas through the Application of Chitosan Edible Coating Using the Dip and Spray Methods
dc.title.alternativeMaintaining the Quality of Cavendish Bananas through the Application of Chitosan Edible Coating Using the Dip and Spray Methodsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcavendish bananaid
dc.subject.keyworddip methodid
dc.subject.keywordedible coatingid
dc.subject.keywordspray methodid

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