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dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Faleh Setia
dc.contributor.authorMuhajir, Agung
dc.description.abstractPermintaan terhadap produk olahan kopi semakin meningkat dan beragam, salah satunya kopi kemasan siap minum. Penelitian mengenai pengetahuan dan pemahaman konsumen tentang label pangan olahan pada produk kopi kemasan siap minum di DKI Jakarta masih terbatas, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan survei mengenai pengetahuan dan pemahaman konsumen terhadap label pangan olahan serta identifikasi penggunaan BTP pada produk kopi kemasan siap minum. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkarakterisasi profil responden, mengeksplorasi dan mengkaji pengetahuan dan pemahaman konsumen (responden) terhadap label pangan olahan, menginvestigasi tingkat kepedulian konsumen (responden) terhadap pentingnya label pangan olahan, dan mengidentifikasi penggunaan BTP pada produk kopi kemasan siap minum di DKI Jakarta. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari survei pengetahuan dan pemahaman konsumen mengenai label pangan olahan dan identifikasi penggunaan BTP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan konsumen terhadap label pangan olahan termasuk ke dalam kategori cukup dan cenderung rendah. Tingkat kepedulian konsumen terhadap label pangan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. BTP yang ditemukan saat pengamatan yaitu dari golongan antioksidan, pemanis, pengatur keasaman, pengawet, pengemulsi, penstabil, perisa, dan pewarna. BTP carry over yang ditemui yaitu dari jenis pewarna, antioksidan, dan pengawet. Terdapat ketidaksesuaian penggunaan BTP dengan kategori pangan dan golongan yang semestinya serta tidak sesuai dengan aturan penulisan pada label pangan
dc.description.abstractThe demand for processed coffee product is increasing and diverse, including ready-to-drink coffee. Research on consumer knowledge and understanding of processed food labels on ready-to-drink coffee products, especially in DKI Jakarta is still limited, therefore it is necessary to conduct a survey on consumer knowledge and understanding of processed food labels and identify the use of food additives in ready-to-drink coffee products. The purpose of this study was to characterized the respondent’s profile, explored and examined consumer (respondent) knowledge and understanding of processed food labels, investigated consumer (respondent) awareness of processed food labels and identified the use of food additives in readyto-drink coffee products in DKI Jakarta. This research stage consisted of survey of consumer knowledge and understanding about the label of processed food and identifying the usage of food additives in ready-to-drink coffee products. The results showed that the level of consumer knowledge of processed food labels was categorized sufficient and tended to be low. The level of consumer awareness of food labels was classified high. Food additives found during the observation were antioxidants, sweeteners, acidity regulators, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavours, and colourings. Carry over of food additives found during observation were colourings, antioxidants, and preservatives. There were types of food additives used that did not meet with the appropriate food categories and groups, as well as with the writing rules of processed food
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePersepsi Konsumen mengenai Label Pangan serta Penggunaan Bahan Tambahan Pangan pada Produk Kopi Kemasan Siap Minum di DKI Jakartaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfood additivesid
dc.subject.keywordfood labelsid

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