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dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Faleh Setia
dc.contributor.authorAmanina, Maghfirah
dc.description.abstractSistem keamanan pangan menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk menghasilkan produk yang aman dan bermutu. PT XYZ merupakan salah satu industri sosis ayam yang telah mengimplementasikan GMP namun perlu dilakukan evaluasi. Proses packing memiliki peluang cemaran mikroba yang lebih tinggi sehingga perlu kaji ulang berupa evaluasi sanitasi alat maupun mesin, higiene karyawan, dan juga lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penerapan GMP di PT XYZ dan peluang cross contamination sehingga didapatkan saran perbaikan sesuai standar aturan. Evaluasi penerapan GMP dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan saran perbaikan. Evaluasi peluang cross contamination area packing dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yaitu evaluasi sumber-sumber cross contamination, evaluasi efektivitas sanitasi, dan saran perbaikan. Hasil evaluasi penerapan GMP di PT XYZ menunjukkan tingkat penerapan GMP sebesar 81,76% dan termasuk dalam kategori penerapan GMP level III. Temuan teridentifikasi terdiri dari 2 temuan minor, 23 temuan mayor dan 6 temuan kritis berdasarkan checklist perdirjen. Perlu perbaikan lebih lanjut agar meningkatkan level penerapan dan keamanan serta standar kualitas produk. Evaluasi peluang cross contamination area packing menunjukkan salah satu sumber kontaminasi yaitu sanitasi dan higiene yang yang masih kurang baik dan tidak konsisten sehingga perlu perbaikan dan pengendalian dengan ketat proses sanitasi untuk menurunkan peluang cross contamination di area
dc.description.abstractThe food safety system is something that must be considered to produce the safe and quality products. PT XYZ is one of the chicken sausage industries that has implemented GMP but needs to be evaluated. The packing process has a higher chance of microbial contamination, so it needs to be reviewed in the form of an evaluation of the sanitation of tools and machines, employee hygiene, and the environment. This study aims to evaluate the application of GMP at PT XYZ and the opportunities of cross contamination so that suggestions for improvement are obtained according to regulatory standards. Evaluation of the implementation of GMP is carried out in several stages, that is data collection, data analysis, and suggestions for improvement. Evaluation of cross contamination in the area packing opportunities is carried out in several stages, that is evaluation of sources of cross contamination, evaluation of sanitation effectiveness, and suggestions for improvement. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of GMP in PT XYZ showed that GMP implementation level of 81,76% and belonged to the category of level III implementation. The identified findings consisted of 2 minor findings, 23 major findings, and 6 critis findings with perdirjen checklist. Further improvements are needed to improve the level of application and safety as well as product quality standards. Evaluation of cross contamination opportunities in the packing area showed that one source of contamination, sanitation and hygiene, is still not good and not consistent, so it is necessary to improve and strictly control the sanitation process to reduce cross contamination opportunities in the packing
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Penerapan GMP dan Peluang Cross Contamination Area Packing pada Produksi Sosis Ayam di PT XYZid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of GMP Implementation and Opportunities for Cross Contamination Packing Area in Chicken Sausage Production at PT XYZid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfood safetyid
dc.subject.keywordchicken sausageid

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