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dc.contributor.advisorTaqi, Fahim Muchammad
dc.contributor.advisorHunaefi, Dase
dc.contributor.authorKhaerunnisa, Mutia
dc.description.abstractMi instan sangat diminati di Indonesia. Masyarakat perkotaan seperti Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi) sering mengonsumsi makanan instan, salah satunya adalah mi instan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan peta preferensi konsumen terhadap mi instan di Jabodetabek yang terdiri dari tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja, mengetahui atribut yang mampu memuaskan responden, mendapatkan informasi mengenai profil sensori serta intensitasnya, dan tingkat kesukaan yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memperbaiki atau mengembangkan produk mi instan. Metode yang digunakan adalah importance performance analysis (IPA), gap analysis, serta pengujian sensori dengan metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) dan rating hedonik. Sampel yang digunakan adalah mi dengan varian rasa goreng original, kari ayam, dan soto mi. Atribut dengan nilai rata-rata kepentingan, kinerja, dan harapan tertinggi adalah rasa, izin edar, dan sertifikat halal produk. Atribut ‘memiliki sertifikat halal’ pada produk Indomie mampu memuaskan responden. Pada pengujian sensori dengan metode RATA, sampel goreng original didominasi oleh atribut pedas, aroma kecap, rasa manis, oily aftertaste, dan glossy. Sampel kari ayam didominasi oleh atribut aroma kari, tekstur lembut dan licin, serta rasa asin. Sampel soto mi didominasi oleh atribut rasa asam, rasa umami, warna kuning, aroma soto, dan tekstur kenyal. Varian rasa goreng original merupakan varian rasa yang paling disukai oleh responden dan
dc.description.abstractInstant noodles are greatly desired in Indonesia. Communities in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) often consume instant food, such as instant noodles. This study aims to obtain a consumer preference map for instant noodles in Jabodetabek which consist of importance and performance level, to know the attributes that are able to satisfy the respondents, as well as the sensory profile and preference level of the product which can be used for improving and developing instant noodle products. The method used consists of importance-performance analysis (IPA), gap analysis, and sensory testing using the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) and hedonic rating methods. Fried original, chicken curry, and soto mi were the three instant noodle flavor variants used as samples. The attributes that have the highest average value in importance, performance, and expectations are taste, marketing authorization, and product halal certificate. The attribute of “halal certificate product” on Indomie is able to satisfy the respondents. In sensory testing using the RATA method, the original fried sample was dominated by spicy, soy sauce aroma, sweet taste, oily aftertaste, and glossy attributes. The chicken curry sample was dominated by curry aroma, soft texture, slippery texture, and salty taste attributes. Soto mi sample was dominated by sour taste, umami taste, and yellow color, soto aroma, and springy texture attributes. The original fried flavor was the most preferred by respondents and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePemetaan Preferensi Konsumen terhadap Mi Instan: Studi Kasus Indomieid
dc.title.alternativeConsumer Preferences Mapping for Instant Noodle: Case Study Indomieid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordconsumer preferencesid
dc.subject.keywordgap analysisid
dc.subject.keywordinstant noodleid

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