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dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Faleh Setia
dc.contributor.authorQatrunnada, Rania
dc.description.abstractUmbi ubi jalar berukuran kecil sering kali tidak memenuhi spesifikasi industri dan tidak laku dijual, sehingga pemanfaatannya rendah dan menimbulkan masalah kehilangan hasil panen. Teknologi pengolahan keripik simulasi menawarkan solusi pemanfaatan umbi berukuran kecil melalui proses pengadonan, pembentukan lembaran, dan pencetakan. Keripik simulasi dimasak melalui penggorengan, satuan operasi kompleks yang memengaruhi karakteristik keripik yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan proses penggorengan yang menghasilkan keripik simulasi ubi jalar ungu yang paling disukai oleh panelis. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan kombinasi kadar air sebelum penggorengan (basah; kering) dan kondisi penggorengan (160 oC, 1 menit; 175 oC, 25 detik; 190 oC, 10 detik). Karakter produk yang dianalisis adalah kadar air, warna, tekstur, dan skor kesukaan konsumen pada uji organoleptik. Keripik terbaik ditentukan berdasarkan skor kesukaan atribut overall tertinggi. Keripik terbaik memperoleh skor kesukaan overall 5,00 dan memperoleh skor atribut aroma 5,02; warna 4,21; rasa 4,84; dan tekstur 5,14 dari skala hedonik 7-poin yang menunjukkan panelis netral hingga agak suka terhadap keripik. Keripik terbaik adalah keripik yang sebelumnya dikeringkan selama 1,5 jam menghasilkan adonan basah dengan kadar air 15%, kemudian digoreng pada suhu 175 oC selama 25 detik. Keripik simulasi ubi jalar ungu memiliki kandungan proksimat protein 1,24%; air 1,63%; abu 2,81%; lemak 22,36%; dan karbohidrat 71,97% dengan nilai kalori 493,16 kkal per 100 g produk. Keripik simulasi ubi jalar ungu memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dinyatakan sebagai IC50 sebesar 5688,61 ppm. Antosianin dan senyawa fenolik lain dalam ubi jalar ungu segar terdegradasi selama pengolahan, sehingga aktivitasnya sebagai antioksidan di dalam produk keripik simulasi lebih rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan ubi jalar ungu
dc.description.abstractSmall sweet potato tubers often do not meet industrial specifications and cannot be sold, resulting in low utilization and causing crop loss problems. Simulated chips processing technology offers a solution for utilizing small tubers through kneading, sheet forming, and shaping processes. Simulated chips were cooked through frying, a complex unit operation that affects the characteristics of the products. This study aimed to obtain the frying process which produced the most liked sweet potato chips according to panelists. The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design (CRD) with water content before frying (wet; dry) and frying conditions (160 oC 1 minute; 175 oC 25 seconds; 190 oC 10 seconds) as treatments. The observed responses were water content, color, texture, and consumer preference scores on organoleptic tests. The best chips were determined based on the highest overall attribute preference score. The best chips obtained an aroma attribute score of 5,02; color 4,21; taste 4,84; and texture 5,14 from a 7-point hedonic scale, indicating panelists felt neutral to moderately liked the chips. The best chips were first dried for 1,5 hours to produce a wet dough with a moisture content of 15%, then fried at a temperature of 175 oC for 25 seconds. Purple sweet potato simulated chips had a proximate protein content of 1,24%; water 1,63%; ash 2,81%; fat 22,36%; and carbohydrates 71,97% with a caloric value of 493,16 kcal per 100 g of product. The chips had antioxidant activity expressed as IC50 of 5688,61 ppm. Anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds in fresh purple sweet potatoes were degraded during processing causing a lower antioxidant activity in simulated chips when compared to fresh purple sweet
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKajian Proses Penggorengan Terhadap Karakteristik Keripik Simulasi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Study of Frying Process on the Characteristics of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Simulated Chipsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpurple sweet potatoid
dc.subject.keywordsimulated chipsid
dc.subject.keywordkeripik simulasiid
dc.subject.keywordubi jalar unguid

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