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dc.contributor.advisorAsnawi, Yudha Heryawan
dc.contributor.advisorTirdasari, Nyayu Lathifah
dc.contributor.authorMuttaqin, Sukron
dc.description.abstractKehadiran internet sebagai alternatif media yang dapat mempermudah pembelajaran agama Islam di era ini harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Aplikasi “Muslim Pedia” hadir sebagai inovasi media pembelajaran agama Islam yang bergerak di bidang sociopreneurship. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan permasalahan masyarakat muslim di Kabupaten Pemalang dalam belajar ilmu agama Islam melalui internet, menemukan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah, serta menemukan kecocokan antara produk dan pasar dalam menyusun kanvas model bisnis aplikasi “Muslim Pedia”. Metode yang digunakan adalah customer development dan penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Permasalahan tidak dapat bertanya secara mendalam ketika belajar agama Islam melalui internet dapat diselesaikan dengan fitur synchronous. Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk segmen pelanggan berusia 18 hingga 30 tahun. Diperlukan adanya kajian mengenai customer validation, customer creation, dan company building sehingga aplikasi “Muslim Pedia” semakin layak
dc.description.abstractThe presence of the internet as an alternative media that can facilitate Islamic religious learning in this era must be used properly. The "Muslim Pedia" application is present as an innovation of Islamic learning media that is engaging in the sociopreneurship field. This study aimed to identify the needs and problems of the Muslim community in Pemalang Regency in learning Islamic knowledge via the internet, finding solutions to overcome problems, and finding a match between the product and the market in creating the "Muslim Pedia" application business model canvas. The method used was customer development and samples were determined using purposive sampling technique. The problem of not being able to ask in depth when learning Islam through the internet can be solved with the synchronous feature. This application is intended for customer aged 18 to 30 years. There is a need for studies on customer validation, customer creation, and company building so that the "Muslim Pedia" application is more feasible to
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleInovasi Aplikasi Pembelajaran Masa Kini Berbasis Bisnis Sosialid
dc.title.alternativeToday`s Social Business-Based Learning Application Innovationsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness model canvasid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer developmentid
dc.subject.keywordMuslim Pediaid
dc.subject.keywordpurposive samplingid

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