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dc.contributor.advisorFadlillah, Hendry Noer
dc.contributor.authorHapsari, Annisa Nur
dc.description.abstractAdanya pandemi Covid-19, kemungkinan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan pola perilaku konsumen pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produk pangan yang dibeli selama pandemi Covid-19, mengidentifikasi cara pembelian produk pangan dan tempat pembeliannya, mengidentifikasi faktor yang memengaruhi konsumen dalam membeli produk pangan, serta membandingkan perilaku konsumen sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah Jabodetabek. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei online dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis korelasi. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa terdapat produk yang mengalami peningkatan pembelian yaitu sayur dan buah segar, telur, mi instan, air mineral, minuman herbal, serta jus buah. Produk yang mengalami penurunan pembelian yaitu minuman karbonasi, minuman energi, sirup, makanan siap saji, serta makanan kaleng. Produk yang tidak mengalami perubahan pembelian diantaranya beras, daging segar maupun olahan, ikan dan seafood, roti, biskuit dan kue kering, susu dan olahannya, makanan ringan, makanan beku, sereal sarapan, bumbu masakan instan, teh siap minum, minuman isotonik, serta konfeksioneri. Terjadi pula peningkatan cara pembelian melalui online store selama pandemi Covid-19. Hasil uji Chi-Square menunjukkan terdapat 13 faktor yang memengaruhi pembelian beberapa produk pangan selama pandemi Covid-19 diantaranya yaitu domisili, jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, merek, sensori, manfaat, kemudahan diperoleh, kandungan gizi, keamanan pangan, harga, serta
dc.description.abstractThe existence of Covid-19 pandemic is thought to have resulted in changes in food consumer behavior patterns. This study aims to determine the food products purchased during Covid-19 pandemic, identify how to purchase food products and where to buy them, identify factors that influence consumers to buy food products, and compare consumer behavior before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in Jabodetabek. The method used is an online survey with purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. The survey results showed that there were products that experienced an increase in purchases, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, eggs, instant noodles, mineral water, herbal drinks, and fruit juices. Products that experienced a decline in purchases were carbonated drinks, energy drinks, syrups, ready-to-eat food and canned food. Products that are regularly purchased include rice, fresh and processed meat, fish and seafood, bread, biscuits and pastries, milk and processed foods, snacks, frozen foods, breakfast cereals, instant cooking spices, ready-to-drink tea, isotonic drinks, and confectionery. There has also been an increase in ways of purchasing via online stores during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of Chi-Square test showed that there were 13 factors that influenced the purchase of several food products during the Covid-19 pandemic including domicile, gender, age, education, occupation, brand, sensory, benefits, accessibility, nutritional content, food safety, price, and product
dc.description.sponsorshipPT Industry Navigator Indonesiaid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Perubahan Perilaku Konsumen Pangan selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Wilayah Jabodetabekid
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of Changes in Food Consumer Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jabodetabekid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPerilaku konsumenid
dc.subject.keywordSurvei onlineid
dc.subject.keywordconsumer behaviorid
dc.subject.keywordonline surveyid

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