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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.advisorOktariani, Andina
dc.contributor.authorGeraldin, Alifia Bunga
dc.description.abstractPandemi Covid-19 tersebar luas pada setiap penjuru negara termasuk Indonesia. Pandemi ini membuat dampak besar bagi setiap perekonomian salah satunya pada bisnis fashion. Maka dari itu, Elmari hadir sebagai solusi yang menjadi media untuk menguatkan e-commerce bisnis fashion pasca pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindetifikasi permasalahan dan ekspektasi customer e-commerce fashion, merancang model bisnis serta merancang prototype yang sesuai. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan customer discovery dengan alat analisis lean canvas. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa customer e-commerce fashion memiliki permasalahan dan sebuah ekspektasi dalam berbelanja fashion secara online. Hasil penelitian menyatakan sebanyak 47% responden potensial masih merasakan sulitnya membayangkan kecocokan produk pada tubuh saat berbelanja secara online dan sebanyak 58% masih merasakan takut untuk melakukan fitting saat berbelanja fashion secara langsung, sehingga model bisnis dan protoype Elmari dibuat khusus dengan mengintegrasikan augmented reality untuk membantu mempercepat dalam merespon permasalahan dan menjawab ekspektasi dari harapan
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic is widespread in every corner of the country including Indonesia. This pandemic has a big impact on the economy, one of them is the fashion business. Therefore, Elmari is here as a solution to become a medium to strengthen the e-commerce of the fashion after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to identify problems and expectations of fashion e-commerce customers, design appropriate business models and design appropriate prototypes. This research method uses customer discovery with lean canvas analysis tools. This study found that fashion e-commerce customers have problems and expectations in shopping for fashion online. The results showed that 47% of potential respondents still found it difficult to imagine the fit of a product on the body when doing online shopping and 58% of potential respondents still feel afraid to do fitting when shopping for fashion in person. So, that Elmari's business model and prototype were made specifically by integrating augmented reality to help speed up responding to problems and answering customer
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenguatan Positioning E-commerce Bisnis Fashion Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Augmented Reality Sebagai New Value :Elmariid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordCustomer Discoveryid
dc.subject.keywordLean Canvasid
dc.subject.keywordCovid-19 Pandemicid

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