Browsing MT - Professional Master by Title
Now showing items 649-668 of 887
Scenario Business Development Strategy for Banana Chips in Bandarlampung
(2012)Banana chips industry in Bandarlampung is potential to be developed. It was saw from the increasing number of sellers and products offered, with a result that formed an industrial chips area in Gunung Terang Village which ... -
Sea Level Change and Its Impact To The Coastal Area of Semarang City, Central Java
(2012)Sea level changing along the time with Mean Sea Level (MSL) shows increasing trend. Semarang City that facing subsidence also impacted by the change of sea level in term of sea level rise and tides. The recorded and ... -
Seed Invigoration treatments to increase seed viability, plant growth and yield of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.)
(2011)The objective of this research was to study the effects of invigoration treatments, seeds viability and varieties on seed vigor, plant growth and yield of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). The research was carried out in the ... -
Simulasi Pertumbuhan Biomassa Mikroalga dengan Menggunakan Probabilistic Cellular Automata untuk Mendapatkan Produktivitas yang Optimal
(2023)Mikroalga merupakan tumbuhan thalus yang mengandung klorofil dan pigmen yang hidup di air tawar, payau dan laut yang berperan penting dalam lingkungan dan dapat menyerap cahaya matahari melalui proses fotosintesis. Proses ... -
Simulation model for tuna and shrimp production in Indonesia
(2005)The General objective of the research area : I. To recommendation a strategy of Indonesia to release commerce issue of marine fish product in facing up the international forum, 2. To estimation of Indonesian position in ... -
Simulation Model of Mangrove Degradation (Case Study at Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan Provinve, Indonesia)
(2006)The crucial problem at Mahakam Delta is the degradation of mangrove ecosystems. This is mainly due to the social impacts resulting from the monetary crisis in mid 1990’s in which large number of shrimpponds were constructed ... -
Simulation Model of Sustainable Forage Supply for Dairy Farming in Lembang Sub District West Java
(2012)Forage supply is the core issue in dairy farming productivity in Indonesia. The restricted forage supply is mainly due to the limited farming land owened by the farmers. This research was carried out to formulate the ... -
Sistem Evaluasi Good Warehouse Practices Dan Good Distribution Practices Untuk Menjamin Mutu Dan Keamanan Susu Bubuk
(2016)Mutu dan keamanan pangan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam industri pangan. Mutu dan keamanan pangan dapat dicapai melalui good practices. Good practices rantai pangan dimulai dari pemilihan dan penanganan bahan baku, ... -
Sistem informasi dan pengambilan keputusan untuk manajemen gapoktan penerima dana bantuan langsung masyarakat pengembangan usaha agribisnis perdesaan
(2013)Regarding to the evaluation of The Direct Community Assistence-Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) conducted by General Inspectorate of Ministry of Agriculture, only 19 or 9,31% of 204 farmers’ group union (the union) ... -
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan berbasis Web GIS untuk Kualitas Air Sungai Ciliwung
(2018)Saat ini, sungai Ciliwung telah terkontaminasi oleh berbagai jenis polutan. Ada banyak kegiatan sumber pencemar yang menghasilkan polutan-polutan tersebut, baik Point Source maupun Non-Point Source, namu tidak semua ... -
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Pemilihan Tempat Wisata Berbasis WebGIS di Pantai Selatan Jawa Barat
(2017)Lokasi geografis Jawa Barat yang dekat dengan ibu kota negara Indonesia memiliki wilayah potensial untuk pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata. Keragaman obyek wisata dari kabupaten / kota di Jawa Barat memberikan alternatif ... -
Software Quality Evaluation of Integrated Library Information System (INLIS) for the Librarianship Task Implementation in the National Library of Indonesia
(2011)Integrated Library Information System (INLIS) is software used to perform the task of librarianship, which was developed by National Library of Indonesia in cooperation with PT. Quadra Solutions since 2005 until now. This ... -
Spatial Analysis of Jembrana Disease in South Kalimantan Province
(2011)Jembrana Disease (JD) is an acute infectious disease in Bali cattle that caused by Jembrana Disease Virus. It is causes high economical losses and endemic in several provinces in Indonesia. Studies on the epidemiology of ... -
Spatial decision support system for identification of potential land for food production:
(2009)Competition and increasing needs in land utilization, either for agriculture land or for non-agriculture land claims thought in decision making to manage land resource utilization. Therefore the spatial data availability ... -
Spatial distribution of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture sector in Indonesia based on inter-governmental panel on climate change methodology using geographic information system and internet technologies
(2000)Global climate change has become worldwide issues because of the increasing greenhouse gases (GHGs) resulted from human activities, mostly fossil fuel use, land-use change and agriculture. Agriculture activities are the ... -
Spatial distribution of net primary production (NPP) using modis data and correlation with climate variability
(2010)The most important global interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere involve the transfer of energy, water, and carbon. Carbon is assimilated by the biosphere through photosynthesis and released through autotrophic ... -
Spatial Multi Criteria Analysis for Mud Volcano Vulnerable Area in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province
(2008)Managing an area for further planning requires information on risk level of area from natural hazard. Since May 29th 2006, a sea of hot mud has been gushing from the ground in Sidoarjo, East Java which caused economic, ... -
Spatio - Temporal Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone over Indonesia
(2018)Ozon troposferik merupakan ozon yang berada di lapisan troposfer dengan kelimpahan 10% di seluruh dunia. Ozon di troposfer dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Pengamatan ozon troposferik di Indonesia secara ... -
The Special Interest Tourism Based on Javan Rhino Movement in Ujung Kulon National Park
(2013)The purpose of this study is to develop a design special interest tourism (SIT) based on the pattern of movement, characteristic of activity sites and behavior patterns of the javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desm, 1822) ...