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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.authorAbdurrahman, Ahmad Nashih
dc.description.abstractB&G Group Bogor is a small and medium business unit which was established in the early of 2015. Business unit B&G Group Bogor produced rosella beverages with Aloe vera as an alternative for completing people’s needs of vitamins and fibers. The aim of this research is to obtain the best business model in developing rosella beverage product with Aloe vera. Business Model Canvas is a suitable method in order to gain market share from the product. There are several steps to develop the market, starting with hypotheses development, problem testing, solution testing and verification. The problem testing showed that 58 % of respondents admitted to not do regular exercise and 78 % of respondents thought they needed more vitamins and fibers. The presence of rosella beverage product with Aloe vera was considered good to meet the needs of vitamin and fiber consumption. This Aloe vera with rosella beverages segmentation was men and women at productive age (15 – 64 years old), from middle to upper class society. This product was desired by people who wanted additional vitamins as antioxidant from rosella and fiber from Aloe vera which contained in the product. Primary respondents aspired the product to be available in small stores and minimarket or supermarket based on respondents’ ease of access to get the
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcBusiness managementid
dc.subject.ddcPlanning designid
dc.titlePerancangan Model Bisnis Produk Minuman Rosella dengan Lidah Buaya (Studi Kasus UMKM B&G Group Bogor).id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAloe veraid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness model canvasid

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