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dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Jono M
dc.contributor.authorHasyyati, Sri Nur Amalina
dc.description.abstractWood is the main raw material commodities in all types of construction. One type of wood that is most in demand by businesses wood is wood of teak (Tectona grandis Lf). Teak production demand by consumers, because it is technically teak wood types have good properties in terms of strength, durability and resilience. Business enterprises certified teak and legal round in Indonesia is still very limited. One round teak wood business operators who have legal and certification in Indonesia is Perum Perhutani. Researchers conducted an analysis of the brand equity of the four main elements, namely brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. The purpose of research analyzing brand equity and analyze the relationship of variables and variable customer perception of the customer profile. Processing data analysis was performed using test validity, reliability test, descriptive analysis, Likert Scale, Scale Semantic Differential, Cochran test and correlation with the chi-square method. The results of the brand awareness that round teak wood products Perhutanioffice get top of mind position, the result indicates the level of brand loyalty loyalty switcher 38%, liking the brand 75%, 33.3% committed buyers and 87.5% satisfied buyer.en
dc.subject.ddcBrand equityen
dc.titleAnalisis brand equity kayu jati bundar Perum Perhutani (studi kasus wilayah Klender Jakarta)en
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordRound teak wooden
dc.subject.keywordBrand loyaltyen
dc.subject.keywordBrand equityen

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