Analisis Sikap Konsumen dan Sensitivitas Harga Terhadap Jeruk Nama NIM. Medan dan Jeruk Mandarin di Y ogya Bogor Junction
Orange is one of fruits that have a lot of varieties in Indonesia. Free trade system make the Government cannot do much to tackle increase import oranges. The inclusion of orange mandarin to Indonesia made the consumers have a choice between consuming medan orange or mandarin orange. The methods used in this research is a descriptive analysis, multiatribut fishbein, and price sensitivity. The majority consumers of orange are woman, married, bachelor, age ≥ 36 years, worked as housewife and have income Rp 2 600 000 – Rp 5 000 000. Based on fishbein analysis, respondent prefer attribute on an mandarin orange. Range price of medan oranges is Rp 36 000 – Rp 45 000. Range price of mandarin orange is Rp 33 000 – Rp 47 500
- UT - Agribusiness [4610]