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dc.contributor.advisorYuliati, Lilik Noor
dc.contributor.authorRizkiyah, Puput
dc.description.abstractThis study has aims goal for analyzing of the effect of economic pressure perception, coping mechanism, social facilities, and subjective prosperity level of the family of casual laborers. The sample taken is on sixty families of the abovementioned laborers. The data intended are collected through direct intervious using quesionaire. As a result the writer concludes that the families of the casual laborers of such ready-made clothes have more tendency of choosing coping mechanism by way of minimizing their expenditure both on consumption and non-consumtive needs, meanwhile the economic pressure of medium category, social facility/support is of high category and subjective well-being is also of medium level. The result of the study showed that coping mechanism increase the income of other sectors a significant positive effect on subjective well-being, coping mechanism to reduce spending on the education sector is a significant negative effect on the subjective well-being. Meanwhile, the perception of economic pressures give negative impact to the subjective wellbeing and social support of society well-being postiviely gives positive effect to the subjevtive well-being. Key words: convection labor, social support, coping mechanisms, perseption economic pressures, family well-beingen
dc.subject.ddcJakarta-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcEconomic pressureen
dc.subject.ddcFamily and consumer sciencesen
dc.titlePengaruh Tekanan Ekonomi, Dukungan Sosial, dan Mekanisme Koping Terhadap Kesejahteraan Subjektif Keluarga Buruh Konveksien
dc.subject.keywordCoping Mechanismsen
dc.subject.keywordConvection Laboren
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Pressuresen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en

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