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dc.contributor.advisorBengen, Dietriech G.
dc.contributor.advisorSubhan, Beginner
dc.contributor.authorRizky, Arief
dc.description.abstractCoral reefs are a renewable resource that has the important function of Ecology, socio-economic, and culture. In Indonesia, the damage to the coral reef ecosystem is largely due to human activities. To speed up the recovery of coral reefs, several methods of rehabilisationare used such as transplantation and artificial reefs. The purpose of this study was (1) to know the growth rate of coral attached (recruitment) on concrete artificial reef modules, and (2) to determine the structure of coral communities on artificial reefs over a period of 1 year. In this study measured the growth of coral recruitment covering the length and width, survival rates, and recruitment of coral community structure. Types of coral recruitment was dominated by Pocillopora, Millepora and Acropora with a total of 59 species of 65 species of coral recruitment found. Growth in average length was highest in the range of months from January-May 2011 were 0.76±1.98 cm, and the width of the growth of the highest average in the range of months from May-July 2011 were 1.18±0.92 cm.en
dc.subject.ddcKepulauan Seribuen
dc.subject.ddcDKI Jakartaen
dc.subject.ddcCoral Reefsen
dc.titleStruktur dan Pertumbuhan Karang Rekrutmen Pada Terumbu Buatan Modul Beton di Pulau Harapan, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakartaen
dc.subject.keywordreef community structureen
dc.subject.keywordcoral recruitmenten
dc.subject.keywordcoral growthen
dc.subject.keywordartificial reefsen

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