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dc.contributor.advisorPanjaitan, James Parlindungan
dc.contributor.authorHafid, La Ode Abdul
dc.description.abstractCoral reefs continue to be degraded over past decades due to human activities so we need a unified management related its preservation. One effort proposed is to conduct shallow water habitat mapping of coral reef ecosystems. This study aimed to examine the usage feasibility of Landsat-7 SLC-Off images. LLHM method was used to fill the gaps of SLC-Off images. Bottom habitat types were extracted by using Lyzenga’s method and classified by using unsupervised classification into four categories (i.e live coral, dead coral, sand, and seagrass). Accuracy measurement used classification matrix with 251 survey data. Statistical test used independent samples t-test and z-test with 95% confidence level. From the result of accuracy measurement, Landsat-7 yielded OA = 55.11% and Khat = 0.34 had an average value of overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient higher than Landsat-8 as OA = 53.65% and Khat = 0.30. However, from statistical test results conducted on those OA and Khat, either independent samples t-test or z-test, where both showed not significant results. Thus it is concluded that the Landsat-7 SLC-Off images are still can be utilized in shallow water habitat mapping of coral reef ecosystems.en
dc.titlePemetaan Habitat Perairan Dangkal Karang Lebar, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta dengan Citra Landsat-7 ETM+ SLC-Off dan Landsat-8 OLIen
dc.subject.keywordt-test and z-testen
dc.subject.keywordthematic map accuracyen
dc.subject.keywordLandsat-7 and Landsat-8 imagesen
dc.subject.keywordcoral reefs mappingen

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