Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Organisasi Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard (Studi Kasus Badan Penelitian Pengembangan dan Informasi Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi RI)
Agency for Development Research and Informatio (Balitfo) is organizational unit of Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Indonesia tasked to implement the research, development, and management of data and information in the field of manpower and transmigration. However, the results of Balitfo’s research, development, and data and information are not utilized by 8 Directorate Technical of Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of Indonesia echelon level 1. Based on these problems, performance measurement are required to analyzed in this reasearch using Balanced Scorecard method. The objective of this reasearch are 1) to make performance measurement design system; 2) to formulate and illustrate strategy map; 3) to measure performance achievement Balitfo in 2012. Results indicate that the performance of Balitfo still low with 43.68% value (expressed in red). That performance can be improved by implementing a program of strategic initiatives primarily on Key Performance Indicators low value.
- UT - Management [3464]