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dc.contributor.advisorRahmawati, Siti
dc.contributor.authorRosiana, Miranti
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research are analyzing the influence of product attributes that consists of quality, fitur and design on the purchasing decision handphone smartphone Samsung Galaxy Young S6310 and analyzing which attribute has a dominant influence on the purchasing decision handphone smartphone Samsung Galaxy Young S6310. Independent variables in this research consist of quality (X1), fitur (X2) and design (X3). Dependent variable in this research is purchasing decision (Y). Analysis method is used in this research is multiple linier regression. The result of F test shows that product attributes which consist of quality, fitur and design are influencing simultaneously on the purchasing decision. The result of t test shows that quality, fitur and design influence positive partially on the purchasing decision. The dominant product attributes on the purchasing decision handphone smartphone Samsung Galaxy young S6310 is designen
dc.titlePengaruh Atribut Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Handphone Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Young S6310en
dc.subject.keywordpurchasing decision.en
dc.subject.keywordProduct attributesen

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