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dc.contributor.advisorKartika, Lindawati
dc.contributor.authorTanjung, Lenggo Geni
dc.description.abstractCompetition is increasingly fierce world of work requires the Department of Management to produce graduates who have the ability to be relevant to the world of work. This research aims to analyze the academic evaluation and assesment self-evaluation in order to create the Department of Management graduates are highly competitive. The object that observed in this research is alumni from Department of Management IPB from 2000/2001-2009/2010. The data source for this research from alumni database and tracking study by distibuting the questionnaires through electronic media by convinience sampling. Data processed by descriptive analysis and Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) as a method. Based on descriptive analysis, the majority of the alumni have 3.01-3.50 Grade Performance Academic (GPA). In general the alumni had in time of time study period (8 semesters), then the alumni tend to choose marketing field as their concentration to finish their final project. Based on the CHAID analysis, the alumni with in time period tend to have good GPA. Marketing study as a concentration for final project tend to be chosen by all of the student who have lowest to highest GPA. The alumni who have a short time waiting job tend to have a good GPA.en
dc.titleAnalisis Evaluasi Akademik Berdasarkan Tracer Study Dan Penilaian Evaluasi Diri Program Sarjana Departemen Manajemen IPBen
dc.subject.keywordtracer studyen

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