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dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Jono M
dc.contributor.authorAgustine, Isty Prima
dc.description.abstractThis thesis analyzes oil palm derivative product ads which is cooking oil “Sania” and margarine “Simas”. The purpose of this research is (1) to indetify respondents characteristic in JABODETABEK (2) To analyse effectiveness of “sania” cooking oil ads and “simas” margarine (3) To analyse relationship between consumer characteristics with EPIC and DRM. Data processing was performed using Microsoft excel 2010 and SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 21. Analysing tool used is EPIC Model, the Direct Rating Method and Chi-square test. Based on analysis result of measurement in promotion mix with EPIC Model and Direct Rating Method shows that the ad included in the category of effective advertising and a good ad. Results of chi square test shows sania cooking oil have a relationship with empathy dimension with marriage status 2, persuasive 1, persuasive 2, persuasive 3, and attention factor 1, cognitive 3, affective 1, affective 3. Gender with attention factor 1, affective 2 and behaviour 2. Education level with ephaty dimension 3, persuasive 3, impact 3, communication 1, communication 2, communication 3, dan attention factor 1, attention 3, comprehension 2, affective 3, behaviour 1, behaviour 2. Occupation with emphaty dimension 1, persuasive 2, communication 2, dan attention factor 1, attention 3, comprehension 1, comprehension 2, cognitive 1, cognitive 2, cognitive 3, affective 2, behavior 2. Income with behavioural factors 2. Outcome with attention factor 1, cognitive 3, behaviour 1. In Simas margarine there are relationship between marriage status with emphaty dimension 2, persuasive 1, 2, 3, attention factor 3,behaviour 2. Gender with affective factor 2 and 3. Education level with emphaty dimension 2, persuasive 2, impact 3, communication 1 and 2, attention factor 1, 2, dan 3, affective 2 and 3, and behaviour 2. Occupation with emphaty dimension 2, persuasive 1, comprehension factor 1 and 2, cognitive 3, affective 3. Income with behavioural factors 2 and 3. Outcome with 1, 2, behavioural factors and 3.en
dc.titleAnalisis Efektivitas Iklan Minyak Goreng Sania dan Margarine Simas Sebagai Produk Turunan Kelapa Sawit di JABODETABEKen
dc.subject.keywordOil Palm Derivative Products.en
dc.subject.keywordEPIC Modelen
dc.subject.keywordDirect Rating Methoden
dc.subject.keywordAds effectivenessen

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