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dc.contributor.advisorIrwanto, Abdul Kohar
dc.contributor.authorSimbolon, Desi Kristiani
dc.description.abstractGood corporate Governance (GCG) is one important thing to notice in a company. GCG is a rule that is arranged by government that has been legally confirmed. The implementation of GCG in every company is surely different but it has to follow the standard that has been made by the government. Company profitability ratio can visualize the finance performance of the company it self eventhough it has to be also supported by another ratio measurement. The value of Return on Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) is two aspects on profitability. The purpose of the research to knowing how the influence implementation of GCG on company profitability ratio. According to the value that was measured by the E-Views 6.0 application, the implementation of GCG shows the impact of company profitability ratio. CGPI score is remarked as the independent variable and the range of ROA and ROE of the company remarked as dependent variable.en
dc.titlePengaruh Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Rasio Profitabilitas Perusahaan di BEIen
dc.subject.keywordreturn on equity (ROE)en
dc.subject.keywordreturn on asset (ROA)en
dc.subject.keywordgood corporate governance (GCG)en
dc.subject.keywordcorporate governance perception index (CGPI)en

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